Uplifting Blog

2023 Global Guru in Customer Experience… for the 5th year running!


I’ve just been named the #1 Global Gurus in Customer Experience (again)! Your attention and support (and vote!) made this possible — and I’m bursting with gratitude. 

Nice as it is to be recognized, here’s why it really matters to me:  It’s a sign that the message of Uplifting Service and Authentic Care is reaching more people and improving more lives.

For that — and for you — I am profoundly grateful.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hey everybody this is Ron and as you can see I’m at Changi Airport again obviously the world is opening and moving and sharing and sharing and reaching out to connect and be with each other and touch each other and enjoy the celebration of being human together in person.

This short video is to let you know that I received an email today that said that Global Gurus had ranked me as the number one customer experience of the world in the world. I think that’s several years in a row oh gosh guys thank you yeah thank you.

You’re the ones who did that I do what I do because I love it I do what I do because I’m born to serve I do what I do because life is not forever and I’d like to really live this life in a way ah it feels great I hope you’re doing the same sending you lots of things I love it.

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Ron Kaufman
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