Uplifting Blog

Service Quality In The Pit Stop Keeps You Winning

While it’s certainly true that frontline people are key drivers in customer service quality, they aren’t solely responsible for winning the race. Don’t forget the power of the “back-end” to bring home a victory! In every insurance company you’ll find actuaries, policy administrators, IT professionals and clerical support staff. These folks have little contact with external customers, but they can certainly set the mood and the pace for the insurance agents and brokers who work out in front. When they are on their game, customer service quality will reflect this fact. If they’re not, satisfaction may plummet.

In a theater you enjoy actors on stage. But there would be no play without writers, directors, set design, lighting and make-up. Their contribution to overall quality is essential.

In a restaurant you meet the waiter and host or hostess, but without cooks, dishwashers and accountants, you’d never get a meal.

Car races are often won and lost by mere tenths of a second. The winners have great drivers, but also top performing pit crews who change oil, tires and fuel.

Southwest Airlines (famous in the United States for friendly front-line service and customer service quality) puts equal value on back-end support. Their benchmark for getting planes unloaded, reloaded and back in the air is the pit crew (not the driver) at the Indianapolis 500.

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Quality

To win in the front you need great support in the back. Customer service quality hinges on everyone’s willingness and ability to perform at peak.

Action Steps For Customer Service Quality

If you work on the frontline of service, give extra appreciation today to those who support you behind the scenes. If you work on the back-end, remember the power you have to boost the motivation and morale of those who work out front. Customer service quality depends on the whole team.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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