Uplifting Blog

How To Pay A Powerful Compliment About Service Quality

I received a powerful testimonial from a client. I often receive nice letters after my presentations, but this note stood out as exceptionally genuine, specific and sincere. I read it twice, and that got me thinking.

I write “Thank you” notes every week to colleagues, suppliers and friends. Perhaps you do, too. But how many of my notes – or yours – pack such a positive punch?

I thought, “If I am going to take the time to send a note, why not write one that really stands out?” Why not take the time to really show how much customer service quality matters to me?

So I studied my client’s message again and found four distinct elements working closely together:

1. Acknowledge the high level of customer service quality received.

2. Report the impact this customer service quality had on the people.

3. Explain how the experience exceeded expectations.

4. Gesture towards positive interactions in the future.

This formula is simple yet powerful. I used it to compliment a scuba-diving resort I visited for a week. Here’s my letter. It took two minutes to write.

Dear Kungkungan Bay Resort,

I want to thank you for a terrific diving vacation last month. The entire resort is a credit to “environmental tourism” for scuba-diving and for the region.

My friend and I returned home with nothing but positive comments and stories.

We knew the diving would be great, with unusual creatures seen at each location. But we had no idea such great scuba-diving would be coupled with delightful rooms, friendly staff and first-class dining that ranks way beyond our expectations.

We will certainly tell our friends about you, and look forward to returning soon.


Ron Kaufman

Can you see how the simple four-step formula makes this letter so real and so effective for praising customer service quality? Isn’t that what you want to do when you send out a letter of compliment or thanks? Now you can do it, in just four easy steps.

Key Learning Point To Customer Service Quality

Sincere compliments motivate, encourage and inspire repeat excellence in customer service quality. The next time you praise a deserving person or organization, create a compliment with positive power.

Action Steps To Customer Service Quality

Choose an individual who deserves praise for his or her customer service quality, energy or commitment. Choose an organization deserving of praise for its plans, purpose or projects. Then use this outline to create compliments everyone will appreciate and remember.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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