Uplifting Blog

$50 Jokers And 52 More Ways To Inspire Customer Service Excellence

Kym is Managing Director of “Messages on Hold.” But there’s nothing on-hold about the way he inspires customer service excellence  and builds loyalty among his staff members. Here are three of Kym’s simple tips:

1. One way I keep my staff interested in super-serving clients is offering them a “playing card pick” for every written compliment they receive. They bring me the written compliment and get to pick a playing card from a deck of 53. If they choose a card numbered 2–9 they get the same amount in dollars. Face cards get $10. Aces are worth $20. The joker wins $50! They love this type of simple but fun reward, and it doesn’t cost me a fortune!

2. When one of our team excels in service, I write a letter to his or her parents, children or partner saying how great he is and how much we appreciate him in the business. I often receive calls from the recipients saying how grateful they were to read the letter.

3. On the Friday before Father’s and Mother’s Day, we invite the staff’s parents and children to come in for a morning celebration. They are treated like special guests and get a chance to see exactly what their parent or child does with us each business day.
With upbeat ideas like these, no wonder Kym’s business, customers and staff are so successful. He inspires customer service excellence by inspiring his staff.

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Excellence

When one organization employs many ways to praise and inspire customer service excellence, the employees tend to stick around – the customers do, too!

Action Steps For Customer Service Excellence

Use a range of rewards all at the same time to inspire customer service excellence. Use skill and chance. Use family and friends. Use your head, but also use your heart.

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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Ron Kaufman