Uplifting Blog

A Better Way to Evaluate Your Customer Service


You’re most likely soliciting customer feedback on your service performance. And you’re probably also making changes based on what your customers tell you.

Unfortunately, customer feedback alone will NOT lead to improved service experiences.

To create better customer experiences, you need to understand what your customers are really saying. What do they mean when they say your service was “good” or “not bad”? Does a 4-star rating mean they were pretty happy… or a bit disappointed?

Watch the video to find out how to decode your customers’ feedback.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

How good or bad is the service that you provide? Who has the answer to that question? Exactly. Not you. If service is taking action to create value for someone else, then it’s what someone else says or thinks or experiences about your service that determines whether it was valuable from the action that you took. Now, the problem with that, whether it’s feedback or feedforward, is that other people use a whole variety of languages. So, they say, “I’m satisfied”, “I’m not satisfied.” “I like it”, “I don’t like it”. “It’s pretty good”, “It’s not so good”. “It’s incredible”, “It’s terrible”, “It’s awful”, “It’s wonderful”. And sometimes it can be very confusing. I live in Singapore. Do you know in Singapore, if somebody likes something, what they say is “Not bad”. If they don’t like it, you know what they say? “Pretty good”. Now, if you got that as verbatim feedback, you would think that pretty good was pretty good and not bad was, “Well, they were just being polite.” So, we need another better way to understand how other people experience the value that we create, what their experience was.

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Ron Kaufman
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