What does customer service excellence mean? Is it defined differently from one business to the next? Is there a place customers can look to find out what might define excellence for a specific company?
The answer is often found in mission statements or promises to customers. Some companies clearly define the bar for customer service excellence and work hard to live up to the standards they’ve set.
Here is a great example of defining the meaning of customer service excellence:
Kodak Polychrome Graphics (KPG) is a leader in the field of hardcopy reproductions: black & white, color, gloss, matte, large format, high-resolution, digital input, high-speed output, waterproof, sunproof and printing on demand.
Their customer requirements are constantly changing. (I’ll bet yours are, too.)
In such a fluid business environment, KPG makes a promise to customers that is clear, confident and focused. It clearly defines the standards of customer service excellence KPG strives to achieve.
Our Promise
To be a company that changes technology. Not just a company that changes with it.
To be where our customers are. Here and around the world.
To be a company that focuses on one industry. Our customers’ industry.
To anticipate our customers’ needs. And exceed them.
To be a partner. Not just a vendor.
Last, but far from least, to be a company that keeps its promises.
I like this statement for two reasons: it is well articulated, and acknowledges the need for ongoing change
Key Learning Point For Customer Service Excellence
The world is evolving daily. Your promises must progress, too. Achieving success today is not enough to ensure excellence tomorrow.
Action Steps For Customer Service Excellence
Write a promise for customers that prepares them, and you, for an unfolding and challenging future. Live up to that promise and constantly strive to evolve to meet client needs. Do so and you will attain excellence now and into the future.
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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.
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