Uplifting Blog

Attract More Customers (and More Profit!) by Showcasing Your Business’s Values


Customers are sick and tired of organizations that profit by exploiting workers, extracting natural resources, poisoning the environment, or engaging in other unethical behavior.

More and more, they are choosing to do business with organizations whose values match their own. And that means that your organization’s values are a source of strength. 

They can help you build stronger customer relationships, offer unique customer experiences, stand out from the competition, and increase your revenues AND profits.

Case in point? My clients at LUX* Resorts. One of LUX’s core values is CARE. They’ve found dozens of innovative ways to extend care to their workers, their guests, their community, and the environment.

And their efforts have made them a powerhouse in the luxury tourism industry.

Not only do their value-driven initiatives help them retain talented employees, operate more efficity, and  improve profitability… but LUX* has also used these initiatives to offer unique customer experiences that set them apart from the rest of their industry. Watch the video to see how LUX* has turned their organizational values into a powerful selling point.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ashish : One more thing that we did at LUX* Belle Mare in particular was, again, during that refurbishment time, 2014, 2015, I realized we had this empty space of land very close to LUX* Belle Mare. Now, originally it was taken on a long lease as a helipad space, and the permissions for the helipad never happened. So what –Once having visited that and we saw a lot of junk, it had become into a dump yard, so along with our maintenance manager, we decided to start some cleanup first.So we got the whole team of Belle Mare involved.We also cleaned up the whole area and it’s a decent sized area that we had, 4-5 minutes walking from the hotel.We cleaned it up and then we started some organic farming…and we can’t really claim it to be organic till a certain number of years ago, but bio-farming. No pesticides, no chemicals, and we planted a lot of things that grow easily on the east coast of Mauritius. 

So garlic, onions, spring onions, chilis, potatoes, and a whole lot of different kinds of aubergines, and we just called it an aubergine farm, then, we started inviting guests to have dinner there, lunches there. It became popular and then a couple of years ago, with the blessings and support of our owners, we actually put up two hydroponic greenhouses at that place, and that supports all the requirements today of LUX* Belle Mare For all kinds of lettuces, tomatoes, herbs.

Ron:  Do you still call it The Aubergine Farm? We still call it The Aubergine Farm. Now what we do, in fact, is we take guests on visits to the farm twice a week and they love it,

Ron:  They’re educational visits. It is indeed. And then they know that food came from that farm, and I’m having it for dinner tonight. You don’t go all the way like SALT, where you bring them into the kitchen to actually help with the cooking of it. But that’s okay. This is a LUX* experience.That’s a SALT experience.

Ashish: Exactly.

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Ron Kaufman
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