Uplifting Blog

Avoid The Customer Service Blunder That Will Tank Your Business Reputation


To achieve your organizational goals, you must have a team (and leaders!) who are pulling in the same direction. And that extends to how you serve each other and your customers.

In most organizations, each department (and sometimes each individual) has its own definition of service. But if your team doesn’t share common definition of service, how can they possibly deliver consistently excellent service??

Your customers value different things at different times. Your team needs a common understanding of what it means to serve, so that they can adjust their actions and behaviors to meet and exceed the expectations of those they serve.

Watch the video below to discover my definition of service – one that applies for anyone in any situation.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

First question for you and your partner. The book I wrote is called Uplifting Service. The keynote topic here is ‘Increasing Your Value with Uplifting Service.’ Raises a question What is service? Some people will say, “Well, you know, service is giving somebody else whatever they want.” But what if what they want is not what they need? Like, if you’re in the medical field, you know the importance of getting that right. What if somebody says, “Service is meeting expectations.”? Someone else says, “No, no, no, no, no. Service is exceeding expectations.” Well, it sounds good, but what if your job is, for example, aircraft engine maintenance and you say, “Oh, we did something really good for you. We exceeded your expectations.” Now don’t do that. So. Right. We need a really good definition of service if we’re going to focus on increasing your value by uplifting your service. Now you’re all in business. So, let’s find out what your definition is. It’s going to work like this. You’re going to turn to your partner. And when I say go, you’re going to do this. You’re going to say, “Service is…” and you tell them your word for word definition for the word service at the same time that they are telling you. So you’re speaking and you’re listening at the same time. And what you’re listening for is whether or not you’re saying the same thing. Everybody take a deep breath. Turn to your partner and go! Service is… Tell them! Great. Come on back. Come on back. How many of you in this room of thousands found that you and your partner said to each other exactly the same words? Yeah, but that’s strange. I got a guy here, he raises his hand, and the partner goes, “No, no, no, no.” How many of you used different words but you meant the same thing? Raise your hands. Yeah, there goes all the hands in the room. But that’s a problem. That’s a problem. Because if you have one person who says, “Give somebody what they want.” Somebody says, “No, no, no, give them what they need.” Or one person says, “Meet expectations.” The other person says, “No, no, no, exceed expectations.” You’re going to confuse yourself. You’re going to confuse your customer and you’re going to accuse everybody else that you work with. We need a better definition. And after working in this field for so long, I actually wrote one. Let me offer it to you, and then you see whether or not it works for your business. And it goes like this. Here’s the first part. Service is taking action. Now think about it. Does that make sense? The action could be in person, like passing a referral. The action could be in person, like inviting a guest. The action could be online. The action could be over the phone. The action could be making a sale. The action could be answering a question. The action could be solving a problem. But in every and every case, service is taking action. Does that make sense for you? Alright. Now, the way I say it is like this, “Service is taking action…” with my legs so you can see it. Now, you can’t do that because you’re all sitting down. So, I want you to use your hands. So, you go like this. Service is taking action. Let’s do it together. Ready? One, two, three, go. Service is taking action. Now, what is the purpose of the action? The purpose of the action is to do something that someone else will want, need, appreciate, desire, benefit from or v-v-v-v-value. So we say it again, like this, Service is taking action. Right. To create value. Let’s do it. Ready? Here you go. Service is taking action to create value for… Right. Givers gain. Right? It’s taking action to create value to help someone else get what they need, what they want to invite them to a BNI chapter, to pass them a referral, to help solve somebody’s issue. To be a more compassionate listener. Service is taking action to create value for someone else.

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Ron Kaufman
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