Uplifting Blog

Get A Bang Out Of Improving Customer Service Quality

Companies are always on the hunt for ways to improve customer service quality. There’s a great example of out of Dubai that my students always get a “bang” out of.

“Right Selection” in Dubai organizes seminars and training programs and distributes great books. They keep their staff motivated with a process costing pennies. This motivation helps improve customer service quality and morale.

Gautam, General Manager, writes:

At the beginning of the month we distribute six colorful balloons to each staff member in the office. Each time any staff member receives good news – over the phone, fax, or e-mail – he or she blows up a balloon and pops it with a loud bang. Everyone notices and asks what the good news is, which then spreads quickly throughout the office. The first person to burst all six balloons each month wins dinner for two at a restaurant. Then we restart the process with six new balloons each and another free dinner to be won.

This creates a lot of anticipation for good news, followed by excitement and communication each time someone bursts a balloon.

(Good news in our case is qualified and quantified by sales of a minimum amount, a contract confirmed, a client calling to thank us for spectacular service, registration of a large group, confirmation of event sponsors, etc.)

We have been bursting quite a few balloons lately, creating excitement from each person’s eagerness to create more frequent positive results. Bang! Another winner!

Key Learning Point To Customer Service Quality

When success is publicized, it can lead to more success. Winning is welcome – and contagious. So are efforts to improve customer service quality – especially if they reward employees in a positive way.

Action Steps To Customer Service Quality

Want to improve customer service quality? Buy a bag of balloons. Pass them out. And start popping to improve morale and customer service both!

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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