Uplifting Blog

How Not To Build With Bytes – Do You Need Customer Service Improvement In The E-mail Department?

Not too long ago, I bought a new notebook computer and wanted to get an extra flash card for easy ”on the road” backups.

I sent an e-mail to the address listed on the business card of the store where I bought the computer. Explaining that I wanted to make an immediate purchase, I asked for their best price and terms.

That was six weeks ago. Until today, no reply. And this store sells state-of-the-art computers!

So I bought the flash card somewhere else, proving that the original store needs some serious work in the customer service improvement department.

I had to wonder, how much more business is this computer store losing simply because the staff do not read and reply to e-mail?

This is a case where some serious improvement is required. When your business advertises an e-mail address on its cards and elsewhere, it’s simply vital to keep up with the account and responses to incoming e-mails.

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Improvement

What image is presented by putting an e-mail address on your business card? What image is created by not answering your mail?! People who use e-mail expect a speedy reply.  Do it! This is a simple customer service improvement that can make a huge difference in your business. When you fail to answer e-mails, your customers will feel like their business doesn’t matter to you. Since this just isn’t the case, it does pay to adjustments in this arena.

Action Steps For Customer Service Improvement

For an instant customer service improvement that can result in a positive impact on your company’s reputation, benchmark e-mail response times of leading companies in your industry. Write to several firms and see how long it takes for them to reply. Then set a standard for your own firm that leads the competition.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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