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Can You Turn Bad Reviews Into Rave Reviews? This Company Did


How can you turn one-star reviews into five-star reviews? The secret is constant innovation!

Bad reviews mean lost sales and revenue. But even if you can bury bad older reviews with great newer reviews, your overall rating will still reflect the weight of all those poor reviews.

That’s where innovation comes in. When you foster an organizational culture that generates lots of new ideas, your team becomes your best source for new ways to delight your customers.

Case in point… my clients at LUX* whose team developed a clever strategy to win back old, unhappy customers… and change their bad reviews into stellar reviews. So not only did Tripadvisor ratings skyrocket… but LUX* turned lost customers into customers for life.

Watch the video to discover how.

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Remember when I said, you got to have enough new ideas so that you can choose new actions that will get you the compliments that will lead to the scores that will result in the money. So, they created a company-wide innovation contest, and the first year they focused the contest on innovating to increase the loyalty of guests. Let me give you one example out of the 240 ideas that they generated. This is just one example, but it’s one of the examples that they implemented. They went back into the history of customer comments four and five years before when it was Naiade. And they looked through to find the people who had put one star and two star reviews on TripAdvisor. Those reviews damage you forever. It never expires. It’s part of the calculation. They found out who the guest was, they got the contact information, and the general manager of the resorts started calling these guests in Europe, in Japan, in Singapore, in the United States, wherever they were from, and introducing himself. “Hello. My name is Brice. I’m the new general manager of LUX* Resorts here In Mauritius. The person goes, “Yeah, I don’t know about you. I don’t know you guys.” He goes, “Well, actually, we used to be known as Naiade.” “Oh, yes.” “Yes, sir. I was going through the records and I noticed that four years ago you were here with your family. And sadly, something happened that just wasn’t the caliber of service that you expected, that you deserve.” “Yeah, you’re right about that.” “Well, I’m calling to tell you that we’ve really, we’ve changed. We are here to make every moment matter. And we would just love if we could have the privilege of welcoming your family back.” Now, I want you to notice they intentionally went back four or five years. Why? Because if somebody had a bad experience last year, the chance of them coming back to the same resort, not so good. Two years ago, not so good. Four or five years ago? Let’s give them a chance. And the General Manager said, “Now, I cannot offer you and your family a free vacation, but if you will come on your family vacation this year, we will gladly extend your stay a couple of nights complimentary and we’ll be so happy to upgrade you to the largest room available. And rest assured, we will.” You know what? People came back. And when they came back, what kind of experience do you think they had? Oh, my God. And then what do you think happened after? Those people, not only did they post five star reviews, but those people who are the only ones went back and removed their one and two star reviews. That’s the customer who can delete that review. And so the algorithm started to go up twice. Not only from another five star review, but the elimination of a one or two from somewhere back there. Oh, my God. Already in one year, the brand was getting so strong that the other resorts were trying to steal their people. There’s another hotel group in Mauritius. You know what their service strategy is? Look at what LUX* is doing and copy it. That’s their strategy. But you can’t copy culture.

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Ron Kaufman
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