Uplifting Blog

Service Communications

Simple, Small Measures Mean A Lot In Customer Service Leadership

Consumer banks work hard to serve and please their clients. Trouble is, all banks compete on the same “big things”: new products, better interest rates, ...

Get Out Of The Ivory Tower And Get A Service Education

Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits is a popular chain of more than 1,300 restaurants in 20 countries. They promote understanding between the people in head office ...

Improve Customer Experience By Connecting With Your Customers’ Connections

We all live and work in a constellation of relationships based on service. You can see this with the customers you serve and the suppliers ...

Customer Service Leadership Is The Real King

We often hear “the customer is king.” I don’t believe it. First, many customers do not behave like kings. Some act more like ruffians than ...

Encourage Complaints To Improve Service

Some companies track a monthly “complaints and compliments ratio” for each branch, store, department, country or station. This approach has a fundamental flaw when it ...

The Customer’s Taste Buds Are Always Right If Customer Service Excellence Is The Goal

When I tasted the Greenwich Pizza ‘Garden Delight’ in the Philippines, my taste buds got a shock! The pizza was covered with sweet tomato sauce ...

Add Value First, Reap Value Later With Proactive Service Skills

I was teaching about customer intimacy and loyalty when one participant asked, “What if your competitor has already built a close relationship with a customer, ...

Improve Customer Service Quality By Designing With Clients In Mind

I am regularly amazed by brand new facilities that are obviously user-unfriendly. Huge investments of time and money…but who are they designing it for?! If ...

The Holidays Are Here: Improve Customer Satisfaction By Personalizing Service

I use a credit card for many business purchases. Since I travel a lot, this means quite a bit of money is charged throughout the ...

Sweeping Changes May Be Unfriendly And Will Not Improve Customer Loyalty

One of my favorite airlines committed a customer interface blunder. They changed the automated telephone menu system for reservations, removed the 24-hour fast-access option for ...

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Ron Kaufman
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