Uplifting Blog

Service Improvement Process

Which matters most? Consistency of Service Delivery, or Consistency of Service Experience?

We often hear leaders say they want their companies to provide consistency in service delivery. Everyone providing the same service, the same way, with reliable ...

The Six Disruptors of Customer Experience

Uplifting Service is a global education and consulting company. We help leaders and companies all over the world achieve two primary outcomes:

Creating Customer Journey Maps that Work

Many organizations are using customer journey mapping to understand and improve the experience of their customers. But the variety of terms used to describe journey ...

No One Ever Hung A Suggestion Box Hoping It Would Be Ignored

It’s true: no one ever hung a suggestion box hoping it would be ignored. But rarely will a mere suggestion box attract a healthy flow ...

What Action Should I Take to Create More Value?

Service is taking action to create value for someone else. So which action should you take?

Turning Customer Complaints to Customer Loyalty: Challenge #4 of 5

Jeff Eilertsen offers service performance insights to address five essential service challenges every organization must successfully address. In this interview with Ron Kaufman, Jeff discusses ...

Laying the Groundwork for Our Five Best Practices for Creating Unbelievable Customer Experiences

Customer experience now reigns as the supreme brand differentiator, with no shortage of data to back it up. An article in Forbes reports that today an estimated ...

The Service Culture Steering Committee Setup Checklist

At Uplifting Service, we help clients plan, implement, and sustain the momentum of a service culture building program. This includes a comprehensive checklist of strategic ...

New Insights on “State of the Connected Customer” Worldwide

A unique report was recently released by Salesforce Research titled “State of the Connected Customer, 2nd edition”. This is an important publication with insights from ...

Use Technology to Enhance Customer Experience

Smart service providers are using technology to delight customers, become more efficient when serving customers, and recover customer loyalty when things do go wrong.

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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