Uplifting Blog

Service Improvement Process

The Uplifting Service Active Learning Toolbox

Why are some training programs so dull, and others so full of active participation? What makes one trainer plod along, while another brings energy and ...

4 Reasons Why Perception (vs. Process) Delivers Service Excellence

In a previous article, we explored the difference between Perception Points vs. Process Points in Service Delivery. Focusing on process improvement is a key strategy ...

Increase productivity and improve customer experience by eliminating “The 8 Wastes of Service”

The 8 Wastes are central to the Lean Manufacturing system developed by Toyota. The 8 Wastes of Service are a modified version used by service ...

Are you building powerful partnerships where you work?

Each time you explore, agree, deliver and assure, the possibility for trust grows between you and the other party. In fact, this may be the ...

Fix Your Perception Points to Improve Customer Experience

What differentiates you from your competitors? How can you stand out from the crowd?

How to Get Fast and Effective Results from Your Next Workshop

Clients want to know, “How quickly can we see results after our employees have completed a workshop?” Leaders want to know when improvements will show ...

Service Standards and Service Excellence….are Not the Same Thing!

“Once we set our service standards we’ll start growing.” I overheard this comment between two business people on an airplane recently. And I wondered, is ...

How to Increase Productivity and Improve Service Simultaneously (and Easily)

Many people think of improving service and improving productivity as diametrically opposing objectives. Increasing productivity means doing more with less, which means reducing service levels. ...

Doing Right Or Doing Better To Improve Customer Experience?

I arrived at the airport early. The check-in agent was very polite, but also concerned. Despite my confirmed Business Class ticket, the airline had no ...

Get Yourself Spring-Loaded To Experience Customer Service Quality

Customer service quality is a two-way street. When customers set themselves up for an enjoyable experience, they often get it. Doing so is easier than ...

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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