Uplifting Blog

Service Innovation

Find & Do Your Own Thing To Improve Customer Satisfaction

In quality manufacturing, speed requires standardization. No wonder Six Sigma, Zero Defects and ISO Certification receive so much time and attention. But in quality service, ...

Is Consensus Sinking Your Culture Change Efforts?

The senior manager of a large organization called me seeking help. “We are stiff and bureaucratic,” he said, “but we want to be more open. ...

Put Some Stuffing In The Staff Suggestion Box To Find Customer Service Improvement Ideas

Looking for a customer service improvement idea? Here’s how to get your staff suggestion box overflowing with fabulous new ideas. First, move the program online ...

Push Into The White Space To Improve Customer Service Quality

The world is changing quickly with big rewards for innovators and creators of new value. When your system says “no,” “cannot” or “won’t do it,” ...

Improve Customer Satisfaction Through Sales And Service

How often is the Sales team on one side of an organization while Service is on the other? How often does this “divide” lead to ...

The Positive Power Of Competition To Foster Customer Service Improvement

Competition is healthy for inspiring a culture where customer service improvement is valued. Learn to embrace the competition and respond with improvements that better your ...

Organizational Culture Change Is Never Complete

When there is a desire to change organizational culture, a forward-thinking mindset is essential. By laying out plans for today, tomorrow and a month or ...

Overcoming The Nasty Pirate To Improve Customer Experience

When service situations go bad, a golden opportunity presents to improve customer experience. If you take the right measures, you can turn lemons into lemonade ...

Use Customer Service Leadership To Stand Out From The Crowd

In today’s competitive markets, smart companies strive to “stand out” from others in the crowd. Low pricing is one approach, but it eats away your ...

Make A Customer Service Improvement That’s Different

There are many ways for a business to “stand out from the crowd.” One approach is to give your customers more of what they ask ...

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Ron Kaufman
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