Uplifting Blog

Service Recovery & Guarantees

Turn Provocation Into Pleasure To Improve Customer Experience

I appreciate it when people disagree with me. It shows they are thinking hard and often opens the door to new insights and learning on ...

As Much As Possible, Forgive Them And Let Customer Service Skills Shine

A busy restaurant manager attended my seminar on creating “customer delight.” Soon after, she wrote to me directly, asking this most appropriate question about how ...

Service Training Should Cover Handling Customer Abuse

Have you ever seen a customer who curses and screams, threatens, bangs the counter and throws things about? I have, and it’s not a pretty ...

Don’t Be A Softie…Squeak To Help Enact A Customer Service Improvement!

I advocate living in an appreciative manner. It spreads goodwill and attracts good service. But wait! I’m not suggesting you simply float in a cloud ...

Managing Complaints To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Managing customer complaints is a vital, internal process influencing customer perceptions and the attitudes of your staff. Pay attention to complaints and you can improve ...

Pain-In-The-Necks Challenge You To Measure Customer Value

Everyone has customers who complain. Complaining customers tell you what you’ve done wrong and how you can improve. If you measure customer value and decide ...

Customer Service Excellence Demands Total Commitment From All Departments

I am amazed at the effort companies put into building service brands on the outside, yet how fragmented they can be on the inside when ...

World’s Friendliest Airport Teaches Others How To Change Company Culture

Learning how to change company culture to have staff members intuitively behave in a certain way takes time, effort and exceptional planning. A great example ...

When Does Service Excellence Become ‘Legendary?’

Legendary Service. Many organizations use this phrase to describe and promote their service. But how many have really earned the right to claim customer service ...

Service Education: How To Lose A Customer For Life

My friend Benny told me about a local restaurant that serves a variety of Chinese dim sum dishes, but could benefit from a customer service ...

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed with Service?

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