Uplifting Blog

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The Key to Success in 2024

I talk a lot about creating more value and building a sustainable culture of service excellence. I do so because, over the years, I’ve seen ...

Ask These Questions and Customers Will Choose Your Organization Every Time (2 Examples)

If you want to build deeper customer relationships, you need to create more memorable customer experiences. And those experiences on are built on these 2 ...

How Team Engagement Makes Your Organization Synonymous with Success

Want to create outstanding customer experiences? Don’t overlook this fact: Great customer service is never a one and done deal.

The Business Asset that You MUST Recognize and Nurture

Want to build a world-class organization?? You must understand this: Human potential is perhaps the greatest asset your business has.

Read This to Improve Your Life (and Your Business)

“Not all readers are leaders. But all leaders are readers.” Harry Truman said that. I might add one word to that quote, though… All SUCCESSFUL ...

How to Put Your Business in the Lead in 2024 and Beyond

Set your organization up for future success by embracing THIS overlooked aspect of business -- CARE.

Unlock Lasting Business Success with THIS Fundamental Framework

Struggling to keep customers? You might be missing two critical elements. Customers come to you because of the value you provide. But to get those ...

Are You Overlooking This Signal of Business Growth and Customer Service Success?

If you’re like most organizations, you’re measuring things like customer satisfaction, customer effort score, and net promoter score. And while all of these metrics matter, ...

What Your Team MUST Understand to Deliver Service Excellence

When your teams deliver customer service, they’re working within an existing system of service standards, service processes, Service Level Agreements, KPIs, and more…

How to Be Sure Your Business Is Prepared for ANY Changes

You can have the best offering, the most fine-tuned processes, the greatest infrastructure but RELATIONSHIPS are the secret to your organization’s long-term success.

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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Welcome to the Worldwide Uplifting Community!

Here’s what’s next…

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We’ve included some useful resources 
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…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
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