AIA Malaysia

AIA Group Ltd, the second largest Asia-based insurers bought ING Groep NV’s insurance business in Malaysia in October 2012. This acquisition propelled the company to embark on a service cultural transformation across diversified business units.

Under CEO Anusha Thavarajah, the company made customer experience a key priority and hired Troy Barnes, Chief Customer Experience Officer to develop AIA Malaysia’s customer experience blueprint. Barnes established three immediate priorities: a Service Vision and Customer Value Proposition; a Customer Management Framework; and a Service Mindset across the organization.

AIA partnered with Uplifting Service to implement a service culture building program in 2015.

Going Big, Going Fast

April 2015: CEO and senior leadership aligned on service vision and culture building approach

April 2015: Strategic building block activities to create ‘AwarenessEmbracing-Championing’ in service

July 2015: Change Champions develop customer centricity mindset and skillset

July 2015: 20 Change Ambassadors certified to educate and innovate service with quick wins improvements

Sep-Dec 2015: Over 500 management staff across all levels taught UP principles in first 6 months to begin the customer-centricity journey

Key Outcomes

NPS increased by 32% and CES went up 25%

A common service language is used across the organization

Staff embody AIA’s vision and values to deliver personalised and trustworthy experiences

Team members take personal responsibility (TPR) to resolve issues and innovate solutions


“We saw a huge improvement in our NPS and Customer Effort Scores, which we attribute to results and changes from the Uplifting Service Program.”

Troy Barnes
Chief Customer Experience Officer

Ron Kaufman
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