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Create a Shining Service Reputation with the Four Categories of Value


Do you know what your customers really want from you? Many organizations think they know… and they’re often wrong.

That’s because customers value more than just your primary product. They’re also paying attention to how easy (or hard) it is to find, purchase, and receive the product or service they desire. They’re taking note of the service experience and how they’re treated by your team. And they’re developing a relationship with your business, your product, and your team.

You can add additional customer value in any one of those areas. And when you do, you’ll – improve your service reputation, attract and retain more customers, and set yourself apart from the competition.

Watch the video to learn more….

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Why do Americans say New York is the place for pizza? Because if you go to New York and you look in the window, you will see pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza. So much Produtos Premarios. New York Pizza.

But if you go to Amazon, you don’t care that they have so much product. What makes them successful is they can deliver it to you. They’ll put it right on your doorstep. And that is why they have a fast website. That’s why they have the warehouses. That’s why they have the trucks. That’s why they have the airplanes, so that they can create more value. Even the drones. Which category? Sistema de entrega.

Now Singapore Airlines, they fly the same product as everybody else. Boeing, Airbus. They use the same delivery system. Travel agent, airport, website. So how do they stand out? How do they step up? How do they create more value? Oh. Service mindset. The cabin crew. She tucks you into bed at night. “Sleep tight.” She welcomes you on board. She makes sure that you’re comfortable, even if you’re in economy class. If you go to the lounge, the first thing You’ll see is a picture of the cabin crew.

If you go to the website, there’s only one photograph. It’s not an airplane. It’s a member of the cabin crew. Which category makes Singapore Airlines so famous and so successful? Which category? Mindset.

Citibank has been around for 200 years. And the day you are born, they think about your potential. When you’re 20 years old, they know you’re just at the beginning. How does finance work? By the time you’re 35, you have children. You have a mortgage on your house. You have a car loan. You have expenses and concerns. Well, at 46, you’ve started to save some money. You’re thinking about retirement. You want to send your children to university. By the time you get to 58, you’re thinking about really retiring. And then at 72, you’re passing it on to the next generation and leaving a legacy behind. Which category is Citibank saying? “We have been here and we will be here, always for you.” Which category? Relationship.

Now, Sicoob, can you create value in all four categories? Of course you can. Can you step up to a higher level? Of course you can.

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Ron Kaufman
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