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Create Service Experiences that Make Your Business Irresistible


Check out this simple strategy to create irresistible experiences for your customers…

The most important element of any service experience is what your customers perceive. That’s how they form an opinion about your business, your product, and your service. So how to do you improve their experience?

Look at EVERYTHING from the customer perspective. What do they see, hear, touch, taste, and smell while working with you?

Even the smallest perception point makes an impact, which means that even small improvements can create big changes in how your customers perceive your business.

Check out the video to see what I mean.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

I want you after today’s event, after this session, to look at every single thing, not only where you work, but in your life and think about how this could be made more effective? How could this be made a better experience? How could this deliver more care, more service and more value?

I’ll give you an example I’m doing work right now in the medical space, and I went into one of the large hospital buildings and all over the building I saw these, which makes a lot of sense because certainly when you’re in a medical environment or anywhere in today’s world, we wanted to be doing the kind of sanitary practices that helps people stay healthy. And with regards to something like a virus, you know, whoever came up with that sign was not wrong. What do we want to do, Kill it! 

But the problem is, it’s not a very approachable sign. It’s not the kind of thing that makes me want to walk up and do anything near it. What if they change the sign to something like this? Use it! 

Okay. That’s certainly more inviting. And it’s only a matter of changing one word or they can go even further into the world of the person that you want to have take the action and you can encourage them to help Save Lives!

Now we’re talking in a way that’s going to be appealing. Now we’re engaging the other person in a manner that’s going to create more value for other people as well. And then those of you in e-commerce, you know how important it is to always have the CTA. You gotta have that call to action. And so what it really should say is Save Lives, Sanitize Your Hands!

And then I’d walk right up every single time and I’d be using it. And what’s the difference? Not the sanitizer, not the location. It’s the point of perception. And with this example, I hope that you see that you have them all around you in every aspect of your life. And you can be the one who takes the action to step it up to create a better experience for someone else.

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Ron Kaufman
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