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Use Service Quality To Create Your Own ‘Godiva Moment’

One of the nice things about flying First or Business Class is the little “extras” in the passenger experience: wider seats, soft slippers, interesting magazines, comfortable headphones, etc.

On a recent flight, a member of the cabin crew appeared after dinner with an elegant box of Godiva chocolates. She invited me to make a selection from the small but expensive temptations.

I replied spontaneously, “Oh, thank you!”

Some of the chocolates were dark and round, others were light and square. One had a tasty looking nut on top. Two were wrapped in gold foil. I was flustered for choice. They all looked so good!

I asked the smiling crew member, “Which is your favorite?”

She knelt down in the aisle next to my seat and looked over the selection. Pointing gently to a dark chocolate square with the Godiva logo on top she said, “That one.” And then, “But I like this one, too, and that one, also.”

I mentioned my preference for light chocolate over dark, which she followed with two more recommendations.

We looked at each other and laughed. We had chosen every piece in the box! It was a unique “Godiva moment” that demonstrated exceptional customer service quality.

“Let me get you a plate,” she said standing up, “then you can try one of each.”

When she returned, we selected four Godiva chocolates for me to sample. The whole process was a treat. The sweets, and the customer service quality, were delicious.

Two weeks later I was flying on a completely different airline, also in an upper class of travel. After dinner a member of the cabin crew came by offering … Godiva chocolates!

The elegant box was exactly the same. But the customer service quality could not have been more different.

As the crew member moved through the aisle, she made no eye contact whatsoever. There was no pleasure or invitation in her voice. She thrust the box first in one direction, then the other, demonstrating a lack of customer service quality.

Her voice was barely a mumble: “Chocolate? Chocolate? Chocolate?”

By the time she came to my seat, she had given up asking altogether and simply pushed the box towards my face. I saw the same range of chocolates as before, but had no appetite whatsoever for tasting courtesy of the poor customer service quality.

My reply was as hollow as her invitation, “No thanks.”

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Quality

Anyone can provide a product. But only those with a passion to serve will offer an experience of pleasure. Customer service quality is about making the connection, not handing out the chocolate. It’s about leveraging the contact, not just pouring the coffee. It’s about being the person that people remember, not simply doing a procedure, pushing a policy or wrapping up a purchase.

Action Steps For Customer Service Quality

Look carefully at your products. How can you make them more attractive? What can you do to enhance their appeal? Can you make them a bit more “Godiva?”

Now study your presentation, people, customer service quality and procedures. Could they be smoother, more pleasant or friendlier? How can you polish your customer service quality, give your customers a special treat, and create your own unique “Godiva moment?”


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” books and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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