Uplifting Blog

“Customers – No…” Mixed Messages Do Not Improve Customer Loyalty

The messages businesses send out to customers can improve customer loyalty or dash all hope. The importance of paying attention to signals sent out is high for companies that want to gain customers and keep them coming back for more.

An example of just how vital it is to pay attention to messages to improve customer loyalty comes from a small shop I saw while travelling.

We were visiting in Gisborne, an attractive small town near Melbourne, Australia.

Walking along the main street I saw a small clothing store with a very bold sign pasted on the door directly above the doorknob. It read:


jam donuts, sticky buns, fizzy drinks, mucky boots, cigarettes, ice creams, gooey lollies, water pistols, fairy floss or half-eaten fruit in this shop. Thank you.

I understand the need to keep a shop clean, but the largest, loudest and strongest message in the sign is clearly:


In the window next to the door was an even larger sign:

UP TO 50% OFF!!

What an odd way to do business! The first sign scares customers away. The second begs them to come back by slashing prices (and profits). Ultimately, the mixed messages do nothing to improve customer loyalty.

Key Learning Point To Improve Customer Loyalty

Customers form opinions about every aspect of your business: your place, people, products, packaging and procedures. Anything not 100% customer friendly is a message that screams (or whispers): “Stay Away!”

Action Steps To Improve Customer Loyalty

What messages are you sending to your clients? Review your website, application forms, product information, customer service counters, returns procedures, etc. Actively seek out moments that are unpleasant, inconvenient, problematic, confusing, offensive or difficult to understand. Then go to work and smooth the way. Make sure every point of contact says it loud and clear: CUSTOMERS WELCOME! It is simply imperative to send the right messages to improve customer loyalty.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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