Uplifting Blog

Delight Your Customers with Ideas From Every Level of Your Organization


Want to be the best in your industry? Be sure your organization is doing these two things:

1) Get crystal clear on what kind of experiences you and your organization creating NOW.

2) Work continuously to create experiences that will surprise and delight your customers… every single time.

Why? Because from the first moment anyone interacts — or even observes someone else’s interaction — with your organization, they start forming an opinion. To your customers, employees, vendors, partners, and community members better every single day, your organization needs lots and lots of ideas.

But these ideas need to come from everyone in your organization. Not just you.

That’s because your front-line team members and other employees have a unique perspective on your organization’s service. They will see problems that you cannot – and they’ll find creative solutions that elevate your service and set your organization apart from your competitors.

That’s how your organization develops a standout reputation that sets you apart from the crowd.

#VideoPosts #ServiceImprovement #ServiceInnovation

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Changi Airport, number one in the world. What are they doing? Running an airport. Sure. But they’re making your experience something incredible. Changi Airport installed a sleeping area. Why did they do that? Have you ever seen someone sleeping on the floor in an airport? How did you feel? Not so good, right? So, the sleeping area is not just for the sleeper. It’s for all of us and our perception of the service provider, Changi International Airport. World’s largest indoor slide, or Singapore’s, in the transit area. Why? So, if you’ve got an eight-year-old kid and 5 hours to kill on a layover between London and Sydney, you’d want your eight-year-old kid to burn energy. Go up, go down, go up, down. Go up, go down. Why? So, on the next flight, the kid will do what? And who values that? Everybody. My wife makes me do it. Butterflies in an airport. Surprising. Incredible. Stress-free. Koi fishpond because they know people want to take pictures. And culturally it’s prosperity and longevity and good success and good life. And of course, they’re going digital. So now in Terminal four, you can pass through from getting off at the counter to taking off on the runway and never actually need to interact with a human. The people are around to help, but the technology smooths the flow. But still, it’s serving human beings. And so, Jewel has now opened up at Changi Airport with the largest indoor waterfall in the world and a complete forest for you to go and relax and enjoy yourself at the airport. What are you doing with Swift? What are you doing with your customers? You’re handling financial transactions, of course, but what’s the experience you’re creating? And not just for your customers. What about for your employees? What about for your colleagues? What about for your partners in other parts of the business? Changi Airport knows that that experience has to be by design. And you have to work on that too. When you’re trying to improve customer experience, you need a lot of new ideas so that you can look at them, evaluate them, choose a few, give them a try, see what works, and then come up with more new ideas. You’ve got to unleash this appetite for unbelievable right from the bottom all the way through the organization.

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Ron Kaufman
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