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Discover How Globe Built a Winning Culture with the Power of Service

What Globe Telecom has done here is unique; building a culture as a challenger brand in the telco industry and overtaking the dominant player in the country.

They’ve done this with technology, products, pricing, distribution, but the real engine behind this success story is an incredibly powerful, well-supported, continuously improving service culture.

Here are a few of the key statements that anchor and nurture this culture. Take a moment to share them with you.

First, the Vision: We see a Philippines where families dreams come true, businesses flourish, and the nation is admired.

This is all about people, from the possibility they see for their loved ones at home, to the opportunity they create at work, to their sense of dignity, contribution and pride as a nation in the world today.

Next, the Mission: We create wonderful experiences for people to have choices, overcome challenges, and discover new ways to enjoy life.

Listen carefully to the words in this. They don’t talk about network coverage, new technology, expanding platforms or innovative products. Although that is exactly what Globe provides as a national telecom service provider.

No, this Mission is about taking care of people: helping people to live and love their lives together.

The Six Values include what you would expect to find: Customers, People, Integrity, and more. But my favorite is this one: “We move fast, so we are better every day.”

There is a bias for speed here at Globe, a sense of urgency about making thing happen, and making things better.

Then Globe promotes what they call a virtuous “Circle of Happiness”: Employees feel empowered and find meaning in work. Customers feel special and valued. Shareholders feel confident and rewarded.

And finally, there is the underlying and overarching PURPOSE: In everything we do, we treat people right, to create a Globe of good.

Well, has all this really worked at Globe? Let’s take a look at the results.

Wireless revenue market share up from 40 to 56% over 6 years.

Employee Engagement hits 91%, and the Asia Corporate Excellence and Sustainability Awards – which ranks companies in leadership and corporate social responsibility – they award Globe the title of “Best Employer”.

Maybe it helps if your company name is Globe, but maybe it matters even more when you know that PEOPLE are what really matter.

The people you live with in your community, the people work with in your company, and the people you serve in your nation and in our world.

Want to know more about these amazing people at Globe in the Philippines?

Visit our website at www.RonKaufman.com to download the Globe Telecom case study.

Or come to the Philippines. Buy yourself a prepaid phone card…and experience the Globe Circle of Happiness for yourself.

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Ron Kaufman
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