Uplifting Blog

Discover the #1 Insight Leaders Must Remember


Developing a culture of service excellence is one of the best ways I know to build an organization that creates more value for customers, team members, AND communities.

Building a strong service culture will naturally lead to service improvements… but you don’t HAVE to undertake a cultural transformation in order to improve service performance.

However… as a leader, you do need to be crystal clear about which project you’re engaged in. The leaders who learn when and where to put their focus are the ones who go from good to great.

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If I had tons of leaders or business sizes in my room right now, what’s the one takeaway you want them to remember? Understanding the responsibility for the development of a culture is a different undertaking than improving performance. Improving performance will come out of and through a better culture, and you can focus on improving performance and not actually address the cultural question. So, for you as a leader, one of the issues is what kind of legacy do you want to leave? But also what are you here for? How long are you here for? Is your commitment to transforming the cultural environment or are you coming in to lead a fundamental necessary improvement? They’re both absolutely legitimate and valid in different parts of an organization and a different times. Now, if you go in and you improve service performance and you start to build a stronger culture around that, you can do that within any department, within an organization and then let it begin to grow out from there. You don’t have to be the overall senior CEO of the whole organization to start to actually improve the culture in whatever area you’re in. But that distinction is not one of just two different words. Both of them require effective study.

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Ron Kaufman
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