Uplifting Blog

Don’t Overlook this Key Element of a Delightful Customer Experience


Just as customers value different things at different times, they also value different STYLES OF SERVICE.

When your team knows which style is appropriate at which times and how to offer the best style of service in EVERY situation… you’ll be able to DIFFERENTIATE your product, service, and organizations in DOZENS of ways. And any one of those ways may be the reason a customer chooses YOU over other options in the market.

Watch the video to how discover the FOUR STYLES OF SERVICE and to see how the RIGHT STYLE allowed one company to turn a simple service transaction into a DELIGHT.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

So let me tell you a story about chocolate. I was flying once from Singapore to Boston in the United States, and I was flying on Singapore Airlines, but Singapore Airlines does not fly non-stop to Boston. They just started flying again nonstop to New York. So if you want to fly from Singapore to Boston, you have to change planes somewhere. And generally that’s done either here in Dubai or in Europe. On this particular flight, I was changing flights in Europe. So I got on a Singapore Airlines flight and we took off. We’re flying from Singapore to a European country where I was going to change airplanes, but I was also going to change airline and then carry on to Boston. And it’s after lunch, and I’ working on my laptop, working on my next book, and I can hear something in front of me in the aisle where the cabin crew is coming down the aisle saying something to the other passengers. But what the cabin crew was saying caught my attention. It sounded like this.There’s the cabin crew. “A little something sweet for you Mrs. Lee?” “A little treat for you” Mr. Lim?”“Something special after lunch, Mrs. Jones?” So I thought, What the heck is this? So I looked up the aisle and I saw this cabin crew coming down the aisle with this beautiful box of chocolate. Does anybody recognize the brand? Yeah. It’s not Patchi. I’m afraid it’s Godiva. And she came to me and she said, “Mr. Kaufman, how about a little treat after lunch while you’re working?”And she held out this box of chocolates. And I looked over and I thought, Hmm, I don’t eat much chocolate, but I’ve been working hard on my book. Why not? So I put my hand out to choose a chocolate, and I hesitated because I don’t know which is which. Do you? Do you know which one of these has the pistachio? Do you know which one inside has the hazelnut? Do you know which one has the marzipan on the interior? Do you know? I don’t know either. So I was hesitating, and then finally I figured, well, I’ll just pick one.So I put my hand on one, and the moment I put my hand on the chocolate, she went like this“Oh, that’s a good one.” How did I feel? I felt great. What style of service did she just use with me? Inspiration. And so I put it, she gave me a little plate, and I put the chocolate on my plate. She goes, “Mr. Kaufman, the one right next to that. Yeah, Yeah. That other one. Right there. That’s my favorite. You should try it. It has the dark chocolate, but with marzipan inside.” I said, “Okay, that sounds good.” I put it on my plate.

She goes, “And you see the one right above that? That’s delicious, too. It has this pistachio creme and all the passengers like it.” I said, okay, I put it on my plate. She goes, “Oh, and the one next to… Oh, my God, What was she doing? She was teaching me about the chocolates. I never had anybody do that before. And the chocolates started to accumulate on my plate. And finally I said, “Okay, I think that’s enough.” “Oh, Mr. Kaufman, go ahead .Give them a try. You work so hard, you deserve it.” Oh, how many pieces of chocolate do you think I tasted on that flight? Six. I’ve never done that before or since. And then we landed in Europe. Then I got out of the plane and I changed aircraft, and I changed airlines. And the plane took off. And now we’re flying to Boston. It was after dinner, and I’m working on my laptop still finishing up another chapter of the new book. And I hear this cabin crew coming down the aisle talking to the passengers in front of me. And I look up and I see that it is the exact same box of chocolate, but a very different cabin crew. And as she came down the aisle talking to each of the other passengers, she was saying one word over and over and over again. What was it? Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. What style? Production. Just get the job done. She came to me. She looks at me, she goes “Chocolate.” And I look over and I think I am not having six more chocolates. But one of them was really good. I thought, I’ll just have that one.So I’ve got my hand out and it’s over the box and I’m trying to remember which one it is and I’m not quite sure. And she looks at me, she goes, “Just take one.” What style? My hand pulled back so fast. How many chocolates do you think I had on that flight? Not a single one.

Same chocolate, same currency rate, same exchange, same time for doing the transaction, same payment mechanism. It’s not about chocolate. It’s about the experience that you create.

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Ron Kaufman
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