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Feedback Drives Organizational Culture Change

When there is a genuine desire to see organizational culture change occur, feedback from all directions is vital. Gaining input from supervisors, colleagues, subordinates and customers can foster an organizational culture change that’s built on service.

Do you encourage customer feedback with hotlines, focus groups and in-depth customer surveys? These things can help with a service-based organizational culture change, but only if the information presented is shared and used.

One car manufacturer was exposed for systematically hiding customer complaints over a period of thirty years. How would you feel buying an automobile from a company with a policy and culture like that?

With your suppliers, what kind of customer are you? If they make a mistake, do you tell them right away and give practical suggestions for improvement?

How frequently do you give feedback to your team members? Are they satisfied with once-a-year appraisals? Are you? Is that enough to keep your people motivated and improving?

To foster better insight and help with organizational culture change, many companies have shifted from basic “boss-to-subordinate job reviews” to “360-degree evaluation.” These exercises include constructive input from superiors and subordinates as well as colleagues, customers and suppliers.

In “720-degree evaluation,” each person being evaluated simultaneously appraises those evaluating him or her. These reciprocal exchanges allow a coordinated, quarterly flow of constructive compliments, critiques and suggestions.

Key Learning Point To Organizational Culture Change

A regular, vigorous dose of omnidirectional feedback helps individual employees – and teams – quickly learn, improve and grow. It can also fuel an organizational culture change for the better.

Action Steps To Organizational Culture Change

What types of feedback do you give and receive? How frequently are you evaluated and coached on your performance? How often do you share your assessments with others? What steps can you take to improve the flow of constructive feedback to you, from you and all around you? Improving the flow of feedback can improve your performance and boost your company’s star, too.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” books and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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