Uplifting Blog

Four Way to Unleash More Value In Your Business


How can you get more customers to choose you? The answer is pretty simple – but lots of organizations overlook it. People come to your organization because they value what you can do for them. Simple, right?

But here’s the part that gets overlooked: You can add value in multiple categories. It’s not all about fine-tuning and enhancing your product… or about offering faster delivery. The truth is that customers value lots of things. And different customers value different things.

So if you want to be their top choice – the one they come back to over and over – you’ll need to add value in every possible category. Check out this video to discover some of the overlooked ways you could be adding value.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Now what have we got here? Four different categories of value. One category is the main reason you’re in business. That’s your pizza. That’s called your primary product. That’s what people come to you for. With BNI, it’s a chapter of people who get to know and support each other, who pass referrals that work. Number two, you have a delivery system. You have chapter meetings. They might be hybrid, they might be in person, they might be online, but they follow a structure and there’s a timing to them. That’s not the referral. That’s the delivery system. Then you’ve got a third category. Bing-bong! That’s the warmth, that’s the friendly, that’s the caring, that’s the helpful, that’s the concern. And then we have a fourth category, which is called The Ongoing Relationship. It’s not about one pizza. It’s not about one referral. It’s not about one meeting.

It’s about an ongoing relationship in which we care about and support each other over time. Does your business also have these four categories? Well, let’s take a look. What is the main reason that people come to you for business? Why do they pick up the phone and call you? Why do they go to your website? Why do they send you an email? Why do they want to meet? Why do they want to buy from you? The same thing is true for every single one of your members. They all have a primary product. Then you also have a delivery system. For some of you, that’s a website, you’re online. For some of you, you arrange meetings and you talk face to face. For some of you, it’s a warehouse and a truck and a home delivery. For some of you, it’s a digital product that’s delivered online. But you’ve got this. The third category is the attitude, the friendliness, the eye contact, the body language, the tone of voice, using someone’s name, And the fourth category is your ongoing relationship, your efforts to build connection over time.


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Ron Kaufman
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