Uplifting Blog

Get THIS Right and Win More Repeat Customers


You know that a stellar customer experience is essential to growing brand reputation and customer loyalty. But the “customer experience” is much bigger than most organizations realize.

World-class organizations understand the ENTIRE customer experience. In fact, that’s how they become world class!

Take my clients at LUX* Resorts & Hotels, for example. They know the customer experience starts well before the guest steps foot on the property. And they know it doesn’t end with the goodbye at the door.

The team at each LUX* resort takes the time to get to know what matters to each guest before they arrive AND to continue that care after they leave, Because of this, LUX* has built lifetime relationships with their customers and amassed throngs of rave reviews on sites like Tripadvisor.

And you can do the same! When your organization takes the ENTIRE customer experience into account, you’ll bring in more business, more revenue, more long-long customers.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

How do you feel other hospitality companies in the world? Have you seen any examples of what they’re doing? Or other organized stations in the world, whether it be hospitals that we can learn from in our industry? Have you seen anything that stands out for you, perhaps in the airline industry? We haven’t flown a lot in the last year or so. But there is a very good example of that, Paul. I remember when the virus first appeared and Emirates started running advertisements saying, “When you fly with us, we will provide insurance coverage for you, for a certain period of time after the flight in case you find yourself afflicted.” But that’s extraordinary. What is that got to do with the flight or the airport or the ticket or the seat or the food on board or the cabin crew? No, but they had extended their sense of concern and care with their passengers into the future cares, concern and commitment for future well-being. I think in the hospitality industry, there’s still far too many properties and brands that think the experience begins when you reach the property. And certainly, LUX* has demonstrated by reaching out to our guests long prior to their getting on the flight to arrive in the first place. That we want to know who you are. Tell us about your life. How’s this vacation going to fit in with that? Who you’re coming with. What do you hope you will experience while you are with us on the property? So that allows us then, to do the preparations, to do the compassionate pre-understanding so we can make each moment matter. Well, those each moments begin still when the guest is at home and it will endure after they go back home. So, you literally create this lifetime relationship so that the guests also care about the future of LUX*, and that’s the Shared Service Partnership or Care Partnership. Comp 7 – This Bad Habit Kills Good Businesses And turn to your partner. Turn to your partner. Ready? Go. Where do you need to step up? Go. Music, please. Silver Surfer. All right, Come on back. Come on back. Come on back. I’ve got one more important question for you before we wrap up this keynote, and you continue on with this amazing global convention. What might stop you from increasing your value by stepping up and improving the action that you take? Which is what service means. What might stop you? Money. Listen to that. What might stop you? Let me tell you the number one, most sure way to not improve is to point your finger at someone else and say, “It’s your fault.” Now, in every language, we have a word for blame. But it doesn’t matter what your word is. We all know what it sounds like. We all know what it feels like. [imitates nagging] Alright. When I say go, you turn to your partner, and I want you to blame your partner. Ready? Just for a moment. Ready? One, two, three, go. [imitates nagging] Are you going to be able to improve your service if you’re stuck in blame? No. No. So, let’s take one step up. Above blame is feeling shame. “It’s not your fault. It’s my fault.” “I made the same mistake. I didn’t do what I should have done.” “I can’t believe I did that.” “Oh.” The problem with that is it doesn’t leave you in any condition to be able to step up and increase your value. So, let’s stop shame. What’s above that? Well, it’s having a reason, having a story, having an excuse. You know, it goes like this. “It’s not your fault. It’s not my fault. It’s the computer’s fault.” “It’s the economy’s fault.” “It’s Covid’s fault.” Right. It’s something. Something else out there. Can I tell you my story? Yeah. The problem with that is it doesn’t produce any improvement. So, in order to increase your value by uplifting your service, you’re going to have to step above that line. And above the line is called TPR TPR stands for Take Personal Responsibility. I want you to say it out loud with me. Ready? Everybody go. Take personal responsibility. Now, the word “take” was chosen very carefully. It doesn’t say assume responsibility. It doesn’t say accept responsibility. It says take it. If you see something that can or should be done better, you do it. If you see something that can or should be done better and it’s not your role, you cannot do it. But you see that it could be done. You help someone else get it done. Take responsibility.

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Ron Kaufman
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