Uplifting Blog

Getting the BEST Out of Your Teams Depends on You


What do your employees’ performances and retention rate say about your leadership style? Too many people in management positions think their job is to “manage.” But in reality, when the people in these positions educate and empower the people they lead instead, they end up seeing better performance and higher retention rates than the “managers.”

So how do you do this? Focus on providing more value to your team members! And you do this by investing in their growth and well-being.

This could look like:

  • Offering mentorship programs
  • Ensuring a healthy work/life balance
  • Recognizing their hard work in a way they appreciate

Employees will feel valued and supported which naturally leads to better productivity and greater innovation, not to mention increased motivation and higher satisfaction.

And when employees feel appreciated and integral to the organization, they start to think of their job as a career, rather than a short stop on the way to something else. This approach benefits everyone:

  • Leaders make better decisions.

  • Service culture improves.

  • Team performance skyrockets.

  •  The organization meets more of its goals.

  • Customers are happier and come back more often.

That’s what I call a win-win-win!

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

What happens if we take the six levels of service, and we connect them to the four categories of value? Then you realize that every single customer with every single call or every single agent who works in every single shift has an opinion about how well or poorly your organization is doing or you are doing as a supervisor in terms of providing them with the fundamental reason why they made the call, or the fundamental reason why they came to work. That’s the primary product.

But they also have an opinion about how easy and convenient and speedy it was to actually get the call handled, or come to work and be, you know, be able to conveniently log on and get started or get trained quickly. And then there’s the evaluation they have about tone and attitude, including yours, as the agents are partially evaluating you if your supervisor, and then the ongoing relationship. And we’ve talked about that in terms of the customer with your company, but it’s also true with your agents. And this could be just, “Oh, it’s just a short-term gig. I’m hoping to get out of this contact center.” Or you could be the supervisor that has an agent say, “You know what, I think I like this. I can see a future here. I’m kind of feeling a calling. I get that by creating value for other people. It makes me more valued and more valuable. And so, I’m not just here with a job. I’m building a career.”

That’s where you as supervisor can help to cultivate an ongoing relationship with your agents.

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Ron Kaufman
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