Uplifting Blog

Great Service Starts with a Great Smile!


In this video, Ron shares his essential tips, backed by expert opinion, on how to get and maintain a healthy set of teeth and a great smile, so we can lead a happy and uplifting life!

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hey everybody, this is Ron Kaufman.

I’ve been doing work recently with Singapore’s National University Health System. I interviewed the dean of the School of Dentistry and the director of the center for oral health. One of them held up a can of soda and said, Ron I want you to understand this is not the enemy. So what do you mean? He said, this is the enemy. I said, you better explain.

It turns out that the pH factor in your mouth is about 7 that’s neutral. But the moment that you put sugar into your mouth, it drops very quickly to 2. Now 2 is highly acidic and that means that the acid starts to eat away the enamel of your teeth. So the situation is this: if you have one of these you’re likely going to finish it. That will be that and you’re not going to have another one for a couple of hours. But if you have one of these, the likelihood is that, you’re going to have some put the top back on a little while later have a little more, a little while later, have a little more which means that the pH factor in your mouth, never gets to get back to where it was in a healthy state.

So it’s not so much that you’re eating sugar. It’s the frequency of sugar that can do such damage to your teeth. That’s lesson number one.

Stay tuned for lesson number two,

So this morning, I had my teeth cleaned and while I was with my dentist, I said, hey, what is it really about sugar? He said the problem is not actually the sugar. It’s the bacteria that eat the sugar and they secrete an acid. 

There it is. It’s the acid that’s doing damage to your teeth.If you want to enjoy something sweet you’re better off having a piece of chocolate that goes in and goes away, than you are having for example, a lollipop because the moment you put one of these hard candies into your mouth. It’s going to stay there for a while and that’s It’s going to continue to produce the environment that allows the bacteria to create more acid. 

Now, when it comes time to brush your teeth. It also turns out that you shouldn’t do it right away. After you’ve enjoyed one of these sweet or acid producing things. He said, you’ve got to first rinse your mouth. 

Otherwise, you’re taking the toothbrush and rubbing the acid into your teeth. That’s true, whether you’re doing sugar or you’re enjoying a glass of wine or you’re having some coffee. whether it’s the instant or it’s the bean variety. Anything that you put into your mouth before you brush your teeth. What do you want to do? Rinse it out with water. 

Lesson 3:

I told my dentist this morning that I’d be making the video and he said, then add another lesson, tell your friends and fans and followers. Tell them to use a toothbrush with soft bristles, it turns out that a toothbrush with stiff bristles just wears down the enamel of your teeth and the gums inside your mouth. Be sure to use mouthwash and it doesn’t matter which brand. It’s like a conditioner for your hair. When you brush your teeth, it’s like using shampoo, it gets all the dirt off.

But it turns out their ingredients in all of the mouthwashes today are that when you use them coat your teeth with a protective layer until the next time you enjoy something to eat. So remember, it’s not the sugar. It’s the frequency of sugar and the acid that gets produced, rinse your mouth before your brush with that soft bristle toothbrush and use mouthwash when you are done.

Now why in the world is Ron Kaufman a service Guru, talking about dental and oral health? Because I believe that all of us should deliver service with a smile, and I want you to enjoy smiling for many years to come.

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Ron Kaufman
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