Uplifting Blog

The Hidden Link Between Your Leadership Style And Customer Loyalty


Want your teams to make every service interaction a memorable experience? It all comes down to you! Ever noticed how some organizations just feel different?

It’s more than the services they offer or the products they sell — it’s the energy they exude. And this energy does not emerge by chance… It’s created by design.

Imagine an organization where every interaction is a chance to exchange positive energy. Where each member of your team is not only a service provider but also an energy creator.

Organizations like this transform routine exchanges into memorable experiences. And by fostering vibrant service cultures, they attract and retain both customers and top talent.

So what’s the catalyst for this kind of culture? You! Your behavior dramatically influences the energy, culture, and mindset of the teams you lead. When you show genuine interest and care for your team members, you energize and uplift the entire organization, and this energy is contagious.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

So, when people ask me, “Where do you get all that energy?” Because I’m a bit of an energetic guy. I honestly answer, “I get my energy from you.” It is other human beings and being fascinated with how we humans are living life.

Realizing, and this came from grandma, that in every moment you could say something, you could do something, you could do a facial expression, a smile, a thumbs up, an acknowledgment that will simply brighten up that other person’s day, even if it’s just for a moment. And in doing that, oh boy, they get a perk.

But you know what? The moment you make the choice to do that for another person, the energy is already coming through you. So, I get all that energy from being interested in other people.

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Ron Kaufman
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