Uplifting Blog

How a Culture of Exceptional Service PAYS OFF for Your Business


BOTTOM LINE: Investing in a culture of outstanding service more than pays for itself. Loads of inspiring examples in this video!

Organizations with strong service cultures just work better. They operate more efficiently. Employees are more motivated and more satisfied. And their service reputation gives them an UNBEATABLE advantage.

And that has DRAMATIC effects on the health of the organization – not to mention the bottom line!

Check out the video to see real-life examples of how building a culture of Uplifting Service has helped organizations add revenue, increase profits, lower costs, improve customer satisfaction, and attract and retain top talent……among MANY other benefits!

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Now this contest has become like who’s going to win in every different resort and every department’s coming up with ideas I mean it’s part of the culture and they make a big thing out of it they give awards like tonight there’s gonna be a lot of awards given out it doesn’t really cost that much to make awards but it means so much when people feel like we made it to the semi-finals we’re in the final round oh my gosh and then they finally announced the winner but the whole 3 000 employees have been focusing on this new ideas, new ideas, new ideas, new ideas, all year long and then of course the media picks it up because no other resort is doing it and so they’re writing stories about it which makes you a more attractive employer because people want to be part of a brand that people are actually proud to be part of.

Then the industry starts to notice and you win awards for human resources and for you know spectacular innovations like tonight’s awards and then Tripadvisor starts to shake it up and when we started working with them Nyad with their nine resorts had never been in the top ten and today they dominate it they have five of the top ten positions lux has become so strong that they’ve now created something called the Lux Collective they move their head office this year from Mauritius to Singapore, they’ve created three more hospitality brands and they’re now doing expansion and development all over the world.

Group Financials remember that yeah and that stops in 2014 it’s kept going now they’re making so much money that they can do just about whatever they Want and it’s not just lux I mean we do this with a lot of companies this is a telecommunications company in the Philippines they were losing market share we worked with them for two years on this whole implementation market share took off it’s a duopoly they were the small one now they’re dominant, this is an airline out of mauritius, the national airline when we started working with them for every compliment they got a complaint for every complaint they got a Compliment they’re getting 10 compliments that’s not from training cabin crew that’s from creating a culture that affects everybody.

Insurance company… their engaging service vision is two words: their version of we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen two words “Service Alive!” which is a little weird because an insurance company that’s where you go when somebody dies but what they said was whether you’re opening a policy changing something in terms of an address, adding a rider making a claim, whatever it is we want to serve you in a way where you feel more alive and they did what was called a service revolution, a three-year road map delegate and that’s that’s their complaints and compliments ratio.

Telecommunications company… They wanted to rebrand. We helped them come up with a vision. Let’s create an amazing two-year roadmap. They went from the worst to the first and are still there.

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Ron Kaufman
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