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How an Engaging Service Vision TRANSFORMS Your Business


Do you want to build a culture that drives more innovation, more revenue, and a shining service reputation? You’ll need this non-negotiable element.

An engaging service vision is the key to your organization’s success. A self-sustaining service culture, in which every team member is educated and empowered to create more value for customers, is essential. However, you can’t create that culture without a common vision that unites and energizes the team and guides everyone toward the actions that will make the vision real.

This kind of unity and common understanding makes the entire organization more efficient, effective, and profitable. Even better, it makes the organization more flexible and adaptable in the face of change.

Watch the video to learn more about how an updated service vision helped my clients at LUX* weather pandemic shutdowns and come out even stronger on the other side.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron: So Shining, as a characterization of the LUX* level of service, has always implied something that would, when you say Shining, where is the shining happening? It’s shining in the light and the eyes of the guests, but also in our staff members. So there’s always been that sort of sparkling connection between the two. When Shining evolved to Caring, what was that like for you?

Ashish: Even before the pandemic struck, I think we, as LUX*, actually saw what was coming, and we made that transition right from our purpose, right from our vision, to including care as one of our key deliverables,

Ron: and right at the top, from “We make each moment matter,” adding to it –

Ashish: “We care about what matters.” And I think that was such a powerful statement to make. We know, as LUX*, that we actually did that much before.

Ron: And you didn’t just talk about it, you thought about it, you worked on it. You shared with each other about it. And we did that over seven or eight weeks.

Ashish: Absolutely. It was an eye opener, to be very honest. Not just for me as the general manager of our hotel, but for our teams. And in hotels, as we all know, you have people with different educational backgrounds, with different IQ levels, with different goals in life. And on an average we have 400 to 500 team members per hotel. The beauty, Ron, is today I see that understanding of the importance of care being felt by every single person across our properties. And I think that’s something which is very, very satisfaction-giving, very satisfying.

Ron: And it’s beautiful that it was built on the foundation of shining service, understanding that was already there.

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Ron Kaufman
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