Uplifting Blog

How Better Service Elevates Your ENTIRE Organization


Want to lead a service revolution in your organization? Start with the Six Levels of Service!

The Six Levels of Service help you evaluate your organization’s service through the ONLY lens that matters – your customers. See, YOUR opinion of your service doesn’t really matter. The only opinion that matters is that of the people you serve.

The Six Levels of Service helps you identify the gaps between how you’re serving NOW… and how your customers would prefer to be served. And if you want to improve service across your organization, you first need to know where your service is good… and where it needs to be improved.

Watch the video below to discover the Six Levels of Service.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

We could say in many companies service is one arrow, sales is one arrow, marketing is one arrow, technology is one arrow, Operations is one arrow, manufacturing distribution, Oo, my gosh. Oh, and the service arrow only becomes really important when the boss gets a complaint. Right? Right. I see your heads nodding. Yep. That’s the way it is in my company.

Well, by the end of today, I think you’re going to see that actually everything is service. Sales is service, operations is service, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, warehouse. It’s all actually service, and as a leader in your organization, you need to help show people why and how that is so.

Now getting people aligned, getting them connected also means they stop fighting with each other. Like sales and marketing fighting with each other, or people who are customer facing and people in the back office fighting with each other, or headquarters in the branches fighting with each other. So how did the Greeks get all this fighting to stop happening?

You know what they did? They created a different culture. They uplifted everybody. They inspired them to actually be better people and to work with each other in a connected way. So I adopted this very same architecture to be able to explain to leaders, companies in different places all over the world. How do you build that culture?

Now there are three components. At the foundation is continuous service improvement. In other words, everybody is always looking for another way to do something better so that they can improve their service to somebody else.

In the roof is your behavior. We’re going to talk a lot about that today. What is it that the leaders need to do to actually set the direction and provide the protection for the culture that you’re building inside the house? And then in the middle, we have this area called building blocks. Activities that reinforce and encourage the culture that you want to build.

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Ron Kaufman
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