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What is it going to take to succeed with service in seriously turbulent times because these are the times that we’re in? Rough waters, big storms, a lot of unsettlement, and uncertainty about the future. It’s a perfect storm. Economic, environmental, medical, political, we’ve got risks and danger everywhere we look. And frankly, some people are not sure whether or not they’re going to make it. Individuals are worried about what’s going to happen to their job, or their health, and their future. People who are responsible for teams and small companies, frankly, many of them are worried about survival. And even the largest organizations, even government institutions, live with deep uncertainty about the future. Now, we’re going to need to navigate through these challenging times, find new ways to work successfully and live sustainably together in the world.
My name is Ron, and for 30 years, we’ve been helping leaders, teams, and organizations navigate the changing world, creating cultures of high performance, and extraordinary reputations for service. While the world is changing, and it’s changing fast, providing outstanding service to other people is still a key to success. And that’s true for you as an individual, as a team, or a whole organization. But the fundamental guidance systems that we’ve been using need to be adjusted. Some of the maps that we’ve been following have fallen out of date. Old maps can lead to big problems when the world that we’re in has changed, so we need to change our way of thinking about what it means to serve others and to care about others. We need a new way of thinking about what it means to be with customers so they truly get the experience that we care about them and their future, not just their business. A more sustainable way of being with our colleagues so that every single person feels encouraged and supported to be their very best. And a more sustainable way of being with the communities where we live, the communities where we serve, the communities where we work, and that’s true in person and also online.
A more sustainable way of being also with ourselves, so we can wake up every morning and say, “You know what? The way I’m living contributes to the well-being of other people!” And that makes the world a better place. Now, for decades I’m the guy who defined “Service” as “taking action to create value for someone else”, and this definition makes great sense. It’s true for B2B and B2C. It makes sense in the boardroom for leaders, managers, supervisors, and the front line. This makes sense for external service to customers, and internal service for colleagues. But today, the definition itself needs to be updated, not just taking action to create value for someone else, but for someone you actually care about. When you care about someone, you don’t take action just to make money or just to close the deal. You take action to enable someone else’s present, and also their future well-being. When you do that, it’s not just “service”. It’s what we would call “Uplifting Service”, which is “taking the next action to create more value for the customers, the colleagues, and the communities that you truly do care about. Now, caring about others, and caring about the future, is what makes life make sense, and that’s not just a business necessity. It’s a human necessity. Our team’s guiding purpose, our whole spirit, is to uplift the spirit and practice of service and care throughout the world. We look forward to meeting you, serving you, and to caring about you.