Uplifting Blog

How Customer Service Innovation Generates More Revenue


Want to maximize your revenue growth? You may be overlooking some simple, low-cost ways to leverage your existing customers. Your customers have already proven that they’re willing to spend with you… so why not give them more opportunities to do so? Not by selling harder, but by serving better!

Here’s what I mean:

Service is creating value for someone else. And good service requires that you understand what your customer values at any given moment. And when you know that, you can design a customer experience that provides great value and allows customers to opt for a premium, enhanced experience.

Watch the video to see what I mean…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

When you take your family on vacation, let’s say you got a party of four or five, and you’re going for seven or eight days. It’s a nice vacation. What do you do the first day you’re there? Do you run around and buy things? First day. What do you do? You look around, you check it out. Right? Do you go off on an excursion the very first day? No. You check it out. You look around.

Do you book a couples massage for yourself on the first day? No. You check it out. You look around. From the hotel standpoint, that’s revenue lost because you’re not spending on anything extra in the first 24-36 hours. So here’s the idea they came up with. The moment they got a reservation, they reached out to the family to find out about them. “Why are you coming?” “Who’s coming?” “Tell us about them. What are they like?” “What do they love?”

And as one example, the family comes in, they’re waiting for them at arrival, and they had two youngsters like, you know, eight and nine years old who immediately were met by a Chef who said, “I’m here to take you. We’re going to make pizza. Let’s go.” And the kids, “Woo!” And off they went to learn how to make pizza. The woman from the spa was waiting for the parents. “We’re so happy that you’re here. We know you’ve had a long flight. I know this is a wonderful vacation for you as a couple with your family. Let’s get you to the room so you can put everything down. And we’ve got your couples massage booked.

And as one example, the family comes in, they’re waiting for them at arrival, and they had two youngsters like, you know, eight and nine years old who immediately were met by a Chef who said, “I’m here to take you. We’re going to make pizza. Let’s go.” And the kids, “Woo!” And off they went to learn how to make pizza. The woman from the spa was waiting for the parents. “We’re so happy that you’re here. We know you’ve had a long flight. I know this is a wonderful vacation for you as a couple with your family. Let’s get you to the room so you can put everything down. And we’ve got your couples massage booked.

It starts in one hour.” “Don’t worry. Your kids will be fine for the next 3 hours. We’ll reunite you all in time for dinner, And, oh. Are you guys with me? How many resorts on planet earth do you think are doing that? No, but I can tell you, if Club Concierge was running one, they sure as heck demonstrated that they would run one dynamite hotel because they reached back into my past so deep to find out things about me and then took action before I ever got to Mumbai to be able to create that kind of an experience that’s an “Oh, my gosh!” Club concierge, I don’t know what you charge for your service, but you’re worth it.

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Ron Kaufman
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