Uplifting Blog

How Mentoring Serves the Future of Your Organization?


Mentoring others is one of the most important roles you’ll play as a leader.

Mentoring is a powerful form of service because it contributes to 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥-𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠.

Organizations without a culture of mentorship struggle to attract, develop, and retain the talent they need to remain competitive. 

And that has major (and negative) repercussions for the organization’s future.

As a mentor, you help future colleague flourish. 

And that contributes to the future well-being of:

➤ Your mentee 

➤ Your organization

➤ Your industry

➤ And everyone else who benefits from interacting with a skilled professional.

I’ve been blessed with some wonderful mentors.

They’ve taught me the importance of service and care.

And they’ve dramatically influenced how I think about my life, my relationship, and my career.

So how can you serve YOUR mentees as powerfully as mine has served me?

That’s what we’ll explore in this video series. 🙂

Watch the video to discover more.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hello! Ron Kaufman here and welcome to a short series called ‘Meet My Mentors.’

I want to use this opportunity to introduce you to five of the most influential people who have provided me with wisdom and guidance at various times in the course of my life but first do you know where the word ‘mentor’ comes from?

It’s from the ancient Greek classic called ‘The Odyssey’ where the protagonist Ulysses goes off on a life-changing adventure and leaves the care of his son Telemachus, to his good friend Mentor. Mentor’s job is to provide guidance, wisdom, counsel to this young man in his father’s absence and plays that role profoundly.

Hence, the word mentor has come into common being to mean someone who imparts wisdom and knowledge for the encouragement, the flourishing and the well-being of another but if you look up the word mentor on wikipedia you’re going to find also an interesting nuance which says this because of Mentor’s relationship with Telemachus, the name ‘mentor’ has been adopted as a term meaning “Someone who imparts wisdom to, and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague”.

Now I found that fascinating in other words it’s not that the mentor is here and the mentee is here and never the two shall meet but from the very beginning a great mentor already sees in the mentee the potential the possibility of their flourishing as a colleague and that’s exactly the way I think about all of you whoever you are, wherever you are in the world.

I’m always fascinated by you, your potential, your performance, your contribution to our world in your life so enjoy this series on Meet My Mentors, you can reach out and contact them in various ways as you’ll see in the series to come.


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Ron Kaufman
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