Uplifting Blog

How Service Keeps Changing and Why Your Organization Needs to Stay Up to Date


Business as usual does NOT build long-lasting success. What was considered “good service” 20, 10, or even just 5 years ago is NOT the same as it is today.

It’s not enough to stay informed about what is happening in your organization or your industry. As a leader, you need to stay on top of how business and service continues to evolve as a whole.

That’s because what was once considered great by your customers becomes expected and normal. And this is true in every organization.

This is why I teach leaders to build an organization that is ALWAYS “stepping up” their service culture. That’s the only way you can stay tuned in to what your customers, team, and communities really want from you. And it’s how you’ll build a company that will stand the test of time.

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So, I’m curious over these years of working in customer service and customer experience, how has the industry’s perspective changed on that? How has it shifted? How is it? Huge. Huge. Back during the nineties is really, I think when manufacturers and supply chain and distributors suddenly realized that with the commoditization and globalization that was going on during that era, that you couldn’t just win based on a better product or even a lower price. You actually had to deliver more value through the relationship that you created with your client. So that was one big step. The other was that the whole world of I.T., hardware, software and financial services started to realize, you know what? We’re not only in the technical business, we’re actually in the service business for what they used to call the users. Like, remember when there were dumb terminals and there was a user at the end? I mean, that was the language of it. And it suddenly became, “No, no, no. That’s a human being over there. We better take care of it.” So that was a real flourishing of the of the areas. Interesting.

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Ron Kaufman
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