Uplifting Blog

How Team Engagement Makes Your Organization Synonymous with Success


Want to create outstanding customer experiences? Don’t overlook this fact: Great customer service is never a one and done deal.

That’s because customer expectations are always changing. What they find delightful today becomes expected tomorrow. This is why organizations with an Uplifting Service culture are always looking for new ways to step up their service.

How? By continuous innovation!

But this isn’t just a one- or two-person job. Generating and implementing those ideas for service innovation is something everyone in the entire organization can do… and should do!

When you inspire your team and empower them to take ownership, you’ll be surprised by how many ideas they generate. And those ideas will not only improve your service, they will also elevate your organization to new levels, so it can thrive in good times AND bad.

Watch the video below to see how a culture of innovation enabled one company to survive a global financial crisis and become the best in their industry.

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When Naiade became LUX* and there was that huge moment when we had 3000 people and Mr. Jones went around 20 times, etc., etc. All of that was to produce a change, a difference. That’s right. What was that first difference from Naiade to the early days of LUX*? I wouldn’t yet come to LUX* because the first difference was getting everyone on the same page, which, you know, we know the times, they were difficult times and people were doubtful about, you know, what’s going to happen to me, my job, etc.. This was the global financial crisis. This was the global financial crisis. And then with those sessions that started, of course, we started working on the vision, purpose and values of the company, first, setting up our ideology and rolling that out to the team members. Under the phrase “Island light” In fact, Island Light had still not been born yet. So, it was just, you know, We Make Each Moment Matter. It wasn’t even We Make, it was just Each Moment Matters It was Each Moment Matters and helping people celebrate life and the five values. And we had just started the rollout, and I remember actually meeting you at one of the evening functions where Mr. Jones called upon everyone and said, “So, what does helping people celebrate life mean to you?” And we were about 20 of us, and it was my first gathering with this whole team after having landed on this Island, and I was nervous, and I said, “Oh my God, I’m put on the spot.” And I go up, it’s my turn and I say, “You know, it’s simple. I’m going to try and help, you know, my family celebrate life.” and why I like this whole philosophy is because it’s so simple. You don’t have to live it for 8 hours at work or 10 hours. You can actually practice it as a ritual wherever you go, you know. What stops you from making a moment matter for someone at home? Or helping people celebrate life throughout all of your life? Exactly. That, for me, was my “Aha!” moment because all through I was thinking, I was like, how do we make sure that this is understood by everyone in a way that they don’t have to think, ‘Oh, this is what I do at work and this is what I do at home.’ You know, you don’t want to be two different people, two different persons for home and for work. And it actually gave us that confidence to say, “You know what? Take it home.” And I love that part about it. So, we set the tone of that kind of communication where we said, “This is ours to take home.” And this is not going to be about what you do at work. We’re going to create a different philosophy, a different way of being that can permeate your life. Correct. Okay. So that was the first shift. And then LUX* was born. That’s right. And the idea of LUX* Shining was born and then the huge amount of training that you did. And then the innovation contest, challenges kept coming and coming and at a certain point, we started seeing the room revenue going up. We saw the occupancy going up, we started seeing TripAdvisor going up, and you had a very successful LUX* brand. Absolutely. What was that difference from the early days to when Shining was really shining? If I were to see how I felt about it, you know, it was LUX* became synonymous with success. So, wherever LUX* put its hand, it means, oh, it’s going to work. So, those initial days actually gave everyone the confidence saying, oh, we’ve done it during the most difficult part of, of the global crisis of our life. In fact, all of us, you know, were going through that and saying if we could do it then, you know, we better be able to do it in good times. And when we take on new projects or new initiatives, it’s always about how do we get them up and running. How do we make it work? We do debate. We do debate about methodology and process and all that. But once the, once the objective is set, you know, everybody’s on this. Once the choice is made. Exactly. Right. And the nice thing about the innovation challenge was that each of the different properties would generate a large number of ideas and then kick the ideas around and improve the ideas and see which idea are we going to go with, and then there’d be the preliminary round, then the semifinal round. So even though somebody won, it was actually the whole group that experienced this generating of ideas and making ideas work. Absolutely. Yeah. Very good.

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Ron Kaufman
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