Uplifting Blog

How to Be Sure Your Business Is Prepared for ANY Changes


You can have the best offering, the most fine-tuned processes, the greatest infrastructure but RELATIONSHIPS are the secret to your organization’s long-term success.

Your organization should be creating value for everyone in your orbit: customers, vendors, employees, community members, and one another.

When you do that consistently and with authentic care for everyone’s future well-being… these relationships become reciprocal.

Just as your organization takes good care of others in your community, your community will take good care of you. The organizations that know this are thriving today. And they have built the relationship that will allow them to continue to thrive in the future.

#VideoPosts #ServiceImprovement


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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

There are many ways that you can measure service. So, one of the answer I’m going to give you is not the do all, be all and end all of service measurement. But I want to say something that’s more relevant to this issue of care, because care is concern for and commitment to well-being. And being is a verb, so it’s a future oriented focus. If I say that I’m genuinely committed to someone’s well-being, then I want to take action now that contributes to their future. In the world of customer service, there’s two words there. One is service. That’s the service provider. But the other one is customer. And we’re reaching an era where I believe that customers can also step up to be concerned for and committed to the well-being of their service providers. In other words, it’s not just where do I get the best deal? How do I make the most money? And, you know, what am I going to…? And you don’t care about the future well-being of those who are serving you. In the world that we’re going forward into, we need a stronger sense of partnership between those who are serving and those who are being served. A good example of that right now is anyone who’s listening, who may be involved in government service or civil service, and you realize that they’re serving the population, the citizens, the visitors, the employers, the labor force, the elderly, the students in schools. This is all government service. Well, who’s the customer? The population. But should the population also be treating everyone who’s in government service like a partner? Like, what can I do to demonstrate my concern and commitment to their future well-being? Not just take them for granted, not just say, “Well, hey, I paid my taxes. You have to now make me happy.” No, we are in a social commitment to and concern for one another. And that would actually then be a service partnership. Now, how do you measure that? And that would be asking questions like what is the likelihood that you would like to continue to work with me in the future or that you trust me to be someone to work with you and be an advisor for you or a supplier to you when you’re thinking about going into new areas? To what extent would you want to be in conversation with me about that possibility before you’ve even made the decision because you’re designing your future? Do you think of me that way as someone to be in conversation with? Or am I just a low priced vendor that you should squeeze to try to get the most that you can out of that transaction?

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Ron Kaufman
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