Uplifting Blog

How to Create a Better Customer Experience, Moment by Moment


What is the key moment when your customer forms their opinion about your organization? It’s ALL the moments!

Whether they are aware of it or not, your customer is constantly evaluating their experience with your company. And everything they see, hear, touch, smell, and feel contributes to the opinion they’re forming.

So how can you influence that opinion… and ensure that your customers are delighted?

You and your team need to evaluate every element of the service experience (no matter how small!) through your customers’ eyes; generate new ideas to improve perception points in that experience, and implement those new ideas.

When you do that for everything your customers perceive during the service transaction… you create an experience your customers will RAVE about.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Arrival starts when an aircraft door opens and arrival ends when a taxi or other car door closes. Everything in between those two points is part of the transaction that’s called arrival. Get it? Get it? Okay. Now, what are those points? Well, let’s take a look together. Let’s say you land somewhere. The plane taxi’s up to the terminal building. The door to the aircraft opens. You step into the aerobridge. Don’t you notice whether the aerobridge is clean or dirty? Hot or cold? Wet or dry? New advertising or old advertising along the walls? Don’t you notice? Yeah. What you may not notice is that you are already forming a first impression about the whole city. Then you step into the transit area. And what are you looking for? Clear signs that tell you which way to go. Clean bathrooms if you stop in to use one. Maybe the sidewalk is moving along. Maybe there are interesting shops along the way for when you come back out. And then you go to immigration. Is there a line? Is the line moving? If there’s a card that you need to fill out before you get to the immigration officer, if you did not get that card on the plane, where do you get one now? Then you go look for your bags. How do you know which belt they’re on? When you get to that belt, is it already moving? How long do you wait for your bags? Do all your bags come? What condition are the bags in? Do they have a trolley that you can use to carry your bags? Do you have to pay for the trolley? All these things are perception points. Then you go through customs. Do they want to talk to you? Then you come to the arrivals area. There’s all the people, there’s the bank, there’s the hotels, there’s the taxi line. Get in the line. You wait your turn. You get in the car, and you close the door. The arrival transaction is now complete.

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Ron Kaufman
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