Uplifting Blog

How to Create an Organization Employees LOVE


Much of the focus on service is from the standpoint of “How can we better serve the customer?” But as a leader, an equally important question to ask yourself is, “How can we better serve our team members?”

I’ve talked before about how LUX* Resorts & Hotels was able to turn a failing business into one of the best (and strongest!) in the travel industry. And their turnaround was due in large part to the organization’s commitment to caring for its team members.

The service and care LUX* provided its team supports an exception service culture — one that has turned the LUX* brand into one of the most sought-after and profitable in the industry.

But even more, this authentic care allowed LUX* to flourish despite a worldwide shutdown — in the travel industry, no less!

Because of the shining service culture LUX* established before the pandemic, team members felt cared for and LUX* escaped the labor shortages that troubled many other resorts afterward.

But that’s the power of an uplifting service culture. When you build a shining service culture like LUX*, you create an organization where people are proud to work.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Journey of about three years for LUX*, and you helped us articulate it. We have since created the circle of care and we have in fact produced a measurement system where when each guest departs, we’ll ask them two simple questions, “How are we doing on each one of those promises?” And as you know, what gets measured gets done. So therefore, it is critical that we bring every single team member along with us. How do you think we are doing, Ron, as an organization in bringing every single team member along the journey? I think we have to look back and appreciate just how powerful the creation of the LUX* shining service culture has been and how effective, so that your team was already prepared. Then along came this Covidien era, this pandemic, which shocked all of us. It shocked the industries, it shocked the communities. It shocked families, it shocked our biologies, our practices. And I think your team was ready for some response that was other than suffering, some response that was other than resignation. And you literally stepped into that space with the care narrative and said, “Let us flourish this, let us make this authentic and robust.” And some of the things which you can talk about better than I, that the properties have done within the communities have demonstrated That. Whether it’s in the schools or it’s in the health care, it’s in the ecology or the environment. So, I think your team is not only grateful but delighted to be part of the LUX* culture. Certainly, Ron, we have embraced a circular economy and we we believe firmly in giving back and paying forward. And this is so essential in order to create this, shall we say, a reputation for care.

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Ron Kaufman
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