Uplifting Blog

How to Help Your Team Make Better Decisions


It’s hard to empower your team if you don’t trust their ability to make the right decisions. Here’s the solution…in the video below. 👇

Empowerment is a common buzzword in leadership circles. But actually, empowering your team can feel really difficult. That’s because giving an employee more freedom and authority comes with a big helping of added risk. What if they make a mistake? What if they make a bad decision? These are totally rational fears – and yet you cannot allow yourself to be limited by them.

Here’s how to get over them:

Focus first on enabling your employees. That means taking responsibility for educating, coaching, supporting, and mentoring your team, so you feel confident in their ability to make good choices and smart decisions. Once you feel that confidence, empowering your team is a breeze.

Discover more in the video below…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

What’s the challenge around the word empowerment? Why is it that some leaders hesitate to empower, to give authority, to give responsibility, give people the freedom to make a decision, to take some action? What is it that would cause you to hesitate? Yeah. Fear. Fear. If you’re afraid that the person that you empower might do the wrong thing and make a mistake, make a bad decision. You know, if you can’t be sure that that person is going to make a good decision, you would naturally hesitate to give them power. But let’s look at this the other way. If you could be absolutely sure that somebody could make a good decision. They understood it, they think well, they come up with a good thing to do.

If you could be sure, would you gladly empower them? Yes or no? Absolutely. So how do you know if someone can make a good decision? What is it that you would need to do in order to give yourself the confidence as a leader that in fact, they could make a good decision in whatever situation? Very good. You would have to take responsibility for doing what? For? For what? For educating them, for coaching them and mentoring them and supporting them and helping them work through issues. And even if they make a mistake, if you wouldn’t. You would say, “Great, let’s learn from that together so that the next time you can make a better decision.” That’s why this rule is not empowering your team, it’s as a service leader, take responsibility to enable and empower your team.

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Ron Kaufman
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