Uplifting Blog

How to Innovate with Service (and Grow Your Business)


Business moves fast nowadays. Your best tool for staying ahead of the curve? Continuous innovation!

But it’s not enough to innovate on your primary products, you need to innovate on service as well! That’s because it’s easy enough for a competitor to copy or commoditize your primary product. But it’s hard to replicate an innovative culture of continuous service improvement. 

That’s how my clients at LUX* resorts have risen to the top of their industry – and stayed ahead of the fierce competition. In fact, LUX* is so serious about service innovation that they’ve turned one of their properties into an innovation lab! 

Watch the video to discover more – and to hear examples of the popular service innovations that originated in this “service laboratory.”

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ashish: I started off as a resort manager at LUX* Belle Mare. Which was Beau Rivage That’s right. That’s right. And then in October 2012, I was redesignated as the General Manager. 

Ron: And you served as General Manager of LUX* Belle Mare from then until… 2019. And over those seven years, this invention called LUX* Shining Culture, reasons to go, really differentiating based on the experience of service, you brought about that whole transformation of the property. 

Ashish: Yes. And I think what makes it even more interesting for me personally is many of those experiments first were initiated at LUX* Belle Mare. So we were, if I may call it, the innovation lab for the group. So everything new that was happening as LUX* was happening first at LUX* Belle Mare. We were trying it out, we were measuring the success, we were working on fine tuning what was being asked to be done. 

Ron: Give me some of the examples. 

Ashish: Okay. Well, let’s start with Cafe LUX* for example. I mean, It’s become a signature for all our properties over the years. And Paul, in those days really wanted something different in the lobby spaces. He wanted active lobby spaces, more social lobby spaces, and so the thought of Cafe LUX* came about. But then the whole idea was not just stopping with a nice cafe in the lobby, but really using, you know, all the different aspects of experience for a client, for a guest, and putting them into practice. 

So we started off with importing green coffee beans and roasting them on site. And we were the first resort in the Indian Ocean to do that. So there was a lot of learning personally and for for the team at LUX* Belle Mare. 

Ron: And operationally, how do you make it work? Does it work? 

Ashish: Exactly. So that was one, for example. Then IC, which is our ice cream concept. And what better on a holiday than to have a little ice cream as you stroll, as you stroll around the beach or by the poolside.

So we first started IC as a concept in LUX* Belle Mare and I remember it started under a little canvas tent with one little freezer chest that we had, and then we started adding more elements to it. We fine tuned the whole experience. And today IC is such a wonderful thing across all our properties.

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Ron Kaufman
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