Uplifting Blog

How To Keep Your Team Focused, Engaged, and Serving Better Every Day


As a leader, a big part of your job is to sustain your team’s focus on service excellence and enthusiasm for delivering more customer value. And if you ignore this aspect of your role- it will be at your own risk!

That’s because serving others produces emotional wear and tear. Customers are not always appreciative. They don’t always treat your team nicely. And without your leadership, your employees will get run down and burned out. They start to disengage. They stop looking for ways to serve better and start thinking about how they’ll make it through another workday. Eventually, they’ll start looking for other roles and other jobs.

That’s why one of the essential elements of your job is to sustain focus and enthusiasm for delivering exceptional – and ever improving – customer service. When you succeed, you get to lead a team of loyal employees who just keep getting better, instead of scrambling to backstop positions on a team suffering from high attrition.

Watch the video to see how good service leaders sustain focus and enthusiasm within their own teams…

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The last of the Seven Rules says it’s a leader’s job to sustain focus on excellence in service and enthusiasm for taking the next step up. Why do I use the word sustain? Like, keep it going, keep it going, keep going. Because there is wear and tear emotionally on anyone who serves other people. If your people serve other people, those other people are not always in a good mood. Those other people are not always appreciative. Sometimes there are delays. Sometimes there are problems. Sometimes there are issues. And there’s a natural wear and tear. It’s our job to build a culture that provides the ongoing support, encouragement, reinforcement, recognition. The way you do that is with these building blocks. So, in identifying these building blocks, I’m not inventing brand new rocket science. What I’m saying is that the way you do what you do in each one of these areas is either going

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Ron Kaufman
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