Uplifting Blog

How to Put Your Business in the Lead in 2024 and Beyond


Set your organization up for future success by embracing THIS overlooked aspect of business — CARE.

If you’re like most people, care calls up ideas like caring about a loved one, the care a doctor or nurse gives to a patient, or care for vulnerable people in your community.

We don’t typically think about care as an essential aspect of business. But we should!

Today’s customers want more from us. They want to feel that the businesses they choose care not just about them as customers – but also their employees, their environment, and the communities they operate in.

With so many choices today, customers can opt to work with companies that are committed to the causes that matter to them. And more and more – they DO choose to work with businesses that demonstrate authentic care.

Which means that your organization would do well to stay ahead of the curve –

– by thinking seriously about how you can take better care of everyone (and everything!) in your world.

Watch the video below learn more – and see some examples of organizations that are the leading the way by incorporating care into their service.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Now the word care has been around for a really long time but it’s always had this kind of soft and fuzzy you know Care Bears yeah we all grow look at all the smiles like you saw that as a kid you want your kids to have it okay that’s nice but it’s not only toys so tomorrow when I fly into Changi Airport they have this whole program called Care at Changi but look at who they say it’s for you’ve got the person in the wheelchair the pregnant woman the one with the infant or the elderly they’re they’re saying care is for the special case maybe care is for more than just the special case let’s keep going ask an Airlines is one of the top awarded service airlines in the world they’ve worked with a lot of things that I put in my book called uplifting service but you can see that they’re already pushing out ahead and saying just about serving you it’s actually taking this all to the next level care this is actually an automobile company they manufacture cars the internal culture for the organization they want to Anchor around the idea of care this is the CEO of the National University Hospital in Singapore it’s Singapore’s first University hospital so that’s where you get clinical trials that’s where they’re training doctors that’s where they’re training nurses I’m doing a big project right now with them called incredible care so you’ll hear some stories about what’s going on from that particular Pro project even pepsicola pepsicola what do they sell sugar water with caffeine but they’re asking what do you care about and notice look Health Food plet neighbor education they’re selling sugar water they have a big budget for advertising and so I’m not complaining at all that they’re waking people up to this idea that care is not just about what happens in a hospital or what happens with a fuzzy toy for a child it’s something that involves all of us so the question we’re going to start with this morning is who cares.

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Ron Kaufman
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