Uplifting Blog

How to Set the Standard for Your Industry


My clients are often surprised by the unexpected ways that investing in service and care pays off. The team at LUX* is a perfect example. They’ve been working for years to bring more care into their service, and the results speak for themselves!

LUX* properties lead the industry in guest satisfaction, community engagement, occupancy, and profitability.

And recently, LUX* has pushed the envelope even further. They’ve launched three new brands, all designed to create innovative experiences and authentic connections  between the resorts, the guests, and the local communities.

Check out this interview to hear how prioritizing care and human connection helped LUX* set a new standard for the hospitality industry.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron: And for yourself, when you think about the transformation of Nitesh, what do you imagine is coming over the horizon? 

Nitesh: You know, actually I was talking to someone two days ago and your name popped up, okay. And I said, in fact, it was you who got me on here. And I said that I’m not the same Nitesh that I was eight, nine years ago. You know, I was much more aggressive. I wanted to go and get everything, you know, as such and all. And I said that. 

Ron: I believe it’s called a red hot bazooka. 

Nitesh: Yeah. And the [inaudible] So I said that… I don’t know if you remember, Ron, but after one of the sessions in LUX* Belle Mare, you spent around one hour with me. I think that was a real turning point, and I took it very seriously because, you know, we all know what a big guru you are. And giving one hour from your time was very kind and I’m really thankful today to you for that one. Now, I look into everything with a, with a different angle. Yes. I still want to still be the same, carry the same hunger when it comes to my passion, when it comes to hospitality, when it comes to creating new guest experiences. I don’t want to dilute that. But at the same time, I know I want to be more human. How we deal with people and, you know, make sure that we meet, grown and take everybody together forward. 

You know, that’s the thing. And now I’ve got this new challenge of  Chief Operating Officer for Asia Pacific. Before this, my role was that of Senior Vice President to develop SALT, Socio, and Tamassa. So we launched SALT. We had done Tamassa. Socio is coming up. Okay. So now I’m really looking forward to my new role and how I can give back more. Not just to The LUX* Collective as a company, but in terms of, wherever we operate, how can we bring that community inside? 

Ron: Very nicely said right there. Wherever we operate, how do we bring the community inside and how do we bring our guests into the community? Guests inside the community. Community inside the Collective. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And it’ll be interesting for you in Asia, because they are naturally, by their histories, communal, collective kinds of societies. And yet because of your involvement with the group, you’ll understand the potential, the power of this as a global phenomenon. Absolutely.

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Ron Kaufman
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