Uplifting Blog

How to Stand Out in a VERY Crowded Marketplace


To stand out from your competition, you need to tap into what really  matters to your customers. More than ever, customers want to do business with organizations whose values reflect their own. So let your values shine! 

With a little creativity, you can do good for the world – while also creating unique experiences that your customers will value.

Watch the video to see how my clients at LUX* turned their commitment to the environment into meaning experiences that attract more business, more compliments, and more revenue.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ashish: In 2014, we refurbished LUX* Belle Mare. And when we were doing that, we were also evolving the reasons to go, and Tree of Wishes was one such experience. I remember when doing the refurbishment of the hotel, there was so much junk that was being pulled out, and there came an idea that while everyone does, I mean, Tree of Wishes, in different cultures and different places around the globe is a thing that people have seen. 

But we said, why not do a twist with the Tree of Wishes concept? We actually built a Baobab which is this African tree. It’s called the Tree of Fulfilling Wishes in Africa. It’s a huge tree with a big hollow trunk. To be very honest, it looks a little awkward. But that’s a tree which, which is providing water, which is providing shade in Sub-Saharan Africa. We decided to use the junk that was coming out of the rooms and made a showpiece as a tree of wishes with all the junk that came in with a baobab replica made out of, you name it. I mean, there were broken tiles in it. There was all kinds of junk that we remodeled. Yes. And used some fiberglass from boats that we found abandoned, used that to put into a beautiful tree of wishes. And  it was like an art piece. Yeah. People loved it. 

Ron: Yeah. And of course, it had the whole message of “Junk can become a valuable contribution to today and to tomorrow” wishes. And then what is the art gallery where you make things out of junk?

Ashish: The junk art gallery. So that again, came through in, I think, 2015, 2016, again, out of the same very thought that we as human beings, I think generate so much of garbage, unfortunately, and why not have a little space? And our hotels here in Mauritius and and in particular LUX* Belle Mare or even here in LUX* Grand Gaube, we have a lot of families and what better than to start with the young ones and show them what new things can happen. So we have these amazing artists working in each of our junk art galleries, be it Belle Mare, be it here for that matter, across the group. 

We do these sessions where these people teach, participate and learn from the guests as well. As a general manager, I would join in once a week and in that particular exercise. One hour, one hour, 30 minutes at the most. But it’s just so magical trying to see a little plastic bottle turn into a lamp shade at times.

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Ron Kaufman
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