Uplifting Blog

How to Survive and Thrive in Hard Times – By Giving Your Customers MORE


Your customers want more. More service, more care, more authenticity, more connection. Do you know how to give it to them? 

The pandemic shook up a LOT of industries around the world. The best way to weather those changes – and those ahead of us?? Become better at giving your customers the service they want and need.

The organizations who are skilled at taking good care of their customers are those who will thrive in an uncertain future. That’s one of the reasons that my clients at LUX* have been able to grow existing brands and launch news – even n the hard-hit hospitality industry.

Watch this interview to discover the innovative ways that LUX* has found to connect with their communities and create more authentic experiences for their guests.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron: Etiquette and Morale Week. For the young, the young ones. But obviously it affected the parents and the family as well, and you did it with the involvement of guests as they wished. 

Nitesh: Why we called it Etiquette and Morale, because you also said to them that, how to behave in public, how to eat with a knife and fork, how to use the chopsticks. So all this education went well for the three days, four days and three nights. 12 year olds? But we did that every year. So we made sure that all this, all the kids– all the staff who have children of that age– is captured in that one. 

But what we did was, on second year, we it extended to the other hotels also. So we said to the other hotels, whose kids are in this bracket, bring it on! To Tamassa? To Tamassa.

Ron:  But you’re not doing it at the other hotels, It doesn’t quite fit with the brand the same way. True, true. Because this is connecting people. True.

Nitesh:  So this is how we brought to Tamassa  the bringing things, as such and all. We are doing the same thing now, you asked for LUX* and Tamassa, we’re doing something very similar at LUX* Tea Horse Road, also.  Where we are saying that, you know, how can we educate the village children? So with English, you know. We have opened a new property in Chongzuo, LUX* Chongzuo, where we are doing lots of local things, as such. 

So, for example, in that community, there’s one gentleman who’s a hundred and six years old. You know, we take the guest to him to tell the story, the storytelling. You know, what better way to hear from somebody who has seen–  106 years old! Exactly, who has seen that all happened, you know, you know. In that village also, there’s a village over there, where people live very long over there. So we totally said, what do they eat? How do they live their life? And we are trying to bring that experience to a community experience, that this is good for your health, this is good for your food, as such. 

So we are continuously learning and seeing that, How can we bring society in? You know, this other thing to that, also that traditionally what has happened… and again more commercially, if I may say it, because it’s all the getting part and all, why everybody should approach to this phenomena is because, there’s a commercial touch to this also that, you know, in any hotels you go across the world, when you ask them, “Okay, where does your guest come from?” they will say “Oh, this country, this country, this country…” 

The world’s population is 7 billion, and everybody is targeting different countries. What would the people who live in your community do? Who lives in your neighbourhood? Why don’t you get them in? They are scared to come in, because they are scared that at the main gate somebody will ask them, “What is your room number?” Get that fear out! Now we’re coming with a new brand, Socio, and making sure that, in that, is the hotel in the neighbourhood? Yeah.  “No, no, I’m not having breakfast.” “Okay, let’s walk thirty steps to the end. I’ve got to show you a little over there. Okay. I’ve got some laundry to do. Oh, no no no. Okay, I’ll give it to you, I’ll drop it at not so sure. You know, that’s what… It should be a neighbourhood hotel. 

Ron: An interesting example for you will be to see Jewel at Changi Airport. The $1.3 billion construction at Changi Airport, but just outside immigration. Yes. So you step out of immigration and you’re in this enormous, incredible architectural jewel. But it was designed so that Singaporeans would also come and the world would be there and you could mix and mingle and then go back on your next flight. 

Nitesh: Absolutely. Absolutely.

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Ron Kaufman
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